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August 28, 2020

The Warrior Within

We all have a warrior that dwells within.

What you don’t see is at a young age this warrior emerges out of fear. She needs to find a way to protect her tender heart. In time though this becomes her way of life. The once tender heart now has a well armored shell, it can not be touched.

She goes to war in a moments notice. Fierce and unrelenting, she will stand tall in the face of chaos. She doesn’t flinch when the blows land. She will run to aid others, to defend, protect, and hold those who cannot do it themselves. Fear makes her rise to action more quickly. She is young, strong and knows there is no other way for her. Being a warrior keeps her (and others) alive.

As she matures in experience and years she wonders if there is in fact, another way. She has decades old bruises and scars – the badges of her battles won. She mends her own wounds in private but she is tiring. There’s a deep yearning for connection. For something more.

She learns that not all threats of battle need to be engaged in. All wars are not hers to fight and if they are, she doesn’t always have to stand alone. The warrior keeps her armour on, it’s a part of her now but she allows her heart to shed the thick layers that surround it.

She moves slowly and cautiously. Softening in ways that allow her to be held, supported and loved. No longer walking alone. Her deep wounds begun to heal slowly.

Her badges now worn with modest pride.
She is transforming. She isn’t the ruthless fighter she was in her youth.

She is a warrior goddess.
Forever fierce.

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Dawnalyn Bruin  |  Contribution: 335