August 27, 2020

The World’s Most Transformative Emotion.


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The world’s most transformative emotion.

All of us are going through stuff.

Imagine if we could connect whatever we’re going through with other people, and find that we’re not alone. Imagine if we could find their experience and advice helpful to us, and vice versa.

That’s what empathy is.

Empathy is the world’s most transformative emotion—and we can write it.

We just have to be brave enough to be vulnerable—to show true strength in our openness. Then, we can grow our empathy, we can strengthen our hearts.

We can make friends with our suffering, our mistakes, our shame, our depression, our guilt, our joys, our longings—we can make friends with our whole self. 

Get vulnerable, get brave, get grounded, get open. We’re gonna do it together, in Elephant Academy.

Join Elephant Academy’s Writing Course here.

Elephant Academy can be hard to describe.

It’s a lot of things: it’s an investment in yourself, in your career skills. It’s a form of activism, too—inspiring others to turn away from engaging the world with hate and division, to walking their own path of caring. It’s a spiritual path toward truth, and Maitri, toward making friends with yourself, in caring community.

Spend 6 weeks in a community of caring peers and mentors writing your heart out, connecting with your readers, and finding your voice.

We will write our way to a more full, inspiring, genuine connection with ourselves. And we’ll inspire others to do so, too. 

Let’s write our way to a life we love together. Save $200 until June 30th with code SHAREYOURHEART


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Image: Giulia Rosa