August 24, 2020

The Benefits of Yoga & Meditation (& Why Everyone should be Doing It).


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Is yoga a part of meditation, or is meditation a part of yoga?

It can be both.

Yoga is a gentle, slow, and natural movement exercise; it is whole-body relaxation. If you have never practiced yoga before, I highly recommend starting with a beginner class. This way, you can learn alternate and standard positions with an instructor to prevent injuries.

If you have physical limitations (an injury or pain), it is also highly recommended to discuss them with a physical therapist or clinician before doing any practice. Everyone’s body is different and has varying degrees of flexibility. Plus, you always want to be conscious of your physical health and safety.

Yoga has thousands of styles and poses, and different levels to each one. The common styles are Vinyasa, Hatha, and Savasana.

Yoga is a wonderful exercise for anyone that helps take pressure away from the mind; it helps you focus instead of worrying. It has many benefits to the body; it increases relaxation, helps with flexibility, and maintains overall health and well-being.

With yoga, the more you practice, the more flexible your body will become.

You find balance in yoga. The balance then helps create and manage energy levels, releases tight muscles, and stabilizes emotions. It helps release, reduces stress and emotional tension, and keeps unwanted thoughts quiet while you’re in the poses.

The practice may feel a lot like simply focusing on the breath and the body, and this is why meditation is so interconnected with yoga.

Meditation, like yoga, has many wonderful benefits. It helps you become more aware of your thoughts. It helps in relaxation and dealing with fear and contributes to deep sleep. This is a tool that can be utilized anywhere (anytime) to bring peace.

You can meditate in any position that’s comfortable enough for effective breathing. You can lie down, sit up, or even stand. Meditation is quite simple; it’s about focusing the mind within oneself and being fully present in the moment.

It’s not as difficult or intimidating as most people imagine, and has a hugely positive impact on mental health.

Meditation and breathing exercises can be beneficial when you are feeling depressed; it changes your mood, slows the mind, changes mental scenery, and can regulate bodily functions.

I didn’t know about meditation until I started practicing yoga. They take your body and mind back to the basics, and you immediately feel the effects.

Someone said, “Meditation is a connection to the soul, while yoga is a relaxing reconnection to the body and brain.”

That is absolutely right.

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author: Anna Chen

Image: ravenchalk/instagram

Editor: Kate Force