September 12, 2020

10 Affirmations for People with Anxiety.

Do you struggle with intrusive thoughts that lead to anxiety, panic, and/or depression? Me too.

Do you feel like you have lost yourself to anxiety? Me too.

Have current events led you toward developing or worsening health and anxiety? Me too.

101,000 subscribers who follow The Anxiety Guy on YouTube feel the same way, too.

Having anxiety and depression can feel lonely and shameful, at the very least. They can make us feel like an outcast, like something’s wrong with us; they move into our head and our body, and change the way we see life and ourselves with their mere presence and loud, booming, repetitive voices.

I have been struggling with depression and anxiety quite heavily, lately. I woke up this morning with an automatic feeling that there was something wrong and outside of my control. I started searching for reasons that I felt this way, and I found a number of them related to health and past experiences.

The song Lucid Dreams was playing in my head and feeding the depression that I’ve been sitting with. I went on YouTube to play my favorite positivity song, Take It Easy by Stick Figure, hoping to get something else stuck in my head and change the narrative within me.

I found a 30-minute video from The Anxiety Guy on my homepage that would play a stream of affirmations for those that struggle with anxiety, worry, and stress.

As I listened, with my journal in my lap, I wrote down the 10 affirmations that spoke to me the loudest. 10 affirmations that negated the pages of negative thoughts I had placed before them.

I hope that sharing these affirmations helps you to take a step away from your inner struggle and see yourself, your life, and your thoughts in a different way, even if just for a moment, as they have for me:

1. No one can tell me who and what I become. That is my choice only.

2. I am a survivor. And I have survived 100 percent of my bad days.

3. I no longer fight my thoughts but choose which thoughts to entertain and which thoughts to reject.

4. I am grateful for what I get to do today.

5. I’ve survived every anxious moment from my past. They are just moments.

6. I am ready to accomplish small wins today on my path towards the greatest version of me.

7. At the end of this day, I will be proud of me.

8. Today, I see the neutral side of things that I used to fear.

9. I am divorcing my anxiety today, and every day, from now on.

10. I am more than my anxiety.

Remember to repeat positive affirmations, often and regularly. It is normal not to feel affirmations when you first begin to say, read, or think them. Repetition grows the seed of thought.

Remember, you are more than your pain, even if you don’t yet see it.

Remember, you are not as alone with this as you may feel.

Much love and many of the best wishes to you.





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Tiffany Timm  |  Contribution: 52,745

author: Tiffany Timm

Image: Pikist

Editor: Sukriti Chopra