September 30, 2020

20 Bits of Wisdom for the Tough Days.


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Some naughty language ahead!

Last week, a weird funk started creeping in my head—and my heart.

I could feel the ick from a situation at work rise in my gut. Then there was the overwhelm from responsibilities I had been avoiding, and the unsteadiness I felt after returning to my disorganized apartment after a two-week hiatus.

My fuse was short and I felt like everywhere I turned there was tension and frustration and a general sense of “what the fuck is in retrograde and when the fuck will it end.

I’ve spent the past few days trying to find ways to wash the funk off me.

I deep-cleaned my apartment—like the top-to-bottom, clear out cabinets, organize the closet, get rid of shit that serves no purpose kind of clean that I only ever do when I’m working through some stuff.

I blasted Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC, and pretended that I was back watching them in concert, just like in high school.

I gave myself a pedicure and ate cookies and binged “The Dutchess” on Netflix.

I cried, for no reason and for every reason.

I can’t say the funk has completely worn off, but it does feel like the clouds are breaking. And I now have a bit more clarity when it comes to the ick and the overwhelm and what steps I need to take to move forward.

So today, as I continued to work this weird energy out of my body, I asked our dear readers what advice they had for getting through the tough days.

Here are 20 bits of wisdom to stick in your back pocket:

“Put on some jazz and whistle the stress away.” ~ Msizi

“Stay off social media.” ~ Tom

“Hug your goats more often.” ~ Karen

“Eat. More. Donuts.” ~ Paula

“Some days it’s just best to sit around in your PJ’s and relax and do nothing…other tough days are helped spending time with friends or family or going for a walk. Getting a sense of just how big the world is can sometimes make the tough day seem small.” ~ Mandy

“Think about the tougher situations in the past that you managed to survive through.” ~ Qudsia

“There is always at least one ray of sunshine in a dark day…sometimes you just have to search longer.” ~ Annie-France

“Stand still, even when everything seems to not be working well. The storm will just pass by.” ~ Marissa

“Do a small thing for yourself. A snack or fresh bedsheets or whatever you fancy.” ~ Nicole

“Always pray.” ~ Daniel

“Pay attention to who you are with when you feel your best.” ~ Michael

“Do nothing and chill.” ~ Leanne

“Confront and conquer!” ~ Alipsa

“Cheese.” ~ Bethany

“Help the needy.” ~ Digvijay

“Hug a dog and sing her/him songs and tell them how good they are. Instant immeasurable love and goodness.” ~ Perry

“Throw out your television.” ~ Pat

“Sit outside and enjoy the sounds of birds chirping. Notice the beauty around you: butterflies, hummingbirds, lizards, dragonflies, and loved ones.” ~ Syllie

“Believe that there’s always tomorrow and it will not always be tough.” ~ Meliza

“Let good music do its job!” ~ Vanessa


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author: Nicole Cameron

Image: @maniacodamore/Instagram