September 11, 2020

A Letter to the Brokenhearted.

Youssef Hodroj/Pexels

Good evening, bathroom floor dweller.

My name’s Rebecca.

I know we haven’t met officially, but I’d like to say hello while we live in this virtual world of isolation.

I’m not going to ask you how you’re doing today, because if you opened this letter, I think I already know the answer.

I’m not going to tell you to ground yourself, listen to music, or eat ice cream either.

I’m just writing to say hi.

Yes, just hi.

If your face is on your bathroom floor, then hello from mine to yours.

The coldness on your hot cheek feels good, doesn’t it?

Sometimes resting your head on the toilet seat helps you breathe better.

I’m not going to encourage you to do anything different though. If you feel best with your face on your bathroom floor, then okay.

Just remember this, though. 

You are your own best friend.

Yes, you.

If you put your hand on your heart, you can feel this friendship.

This friend is always around, and they know exactly what you need.

This friend is not critical.

They are not your superior.

They love you.

They see you.

They know what you need.

They are your equal, your cheerleader, and your best friend.

While you too are resting your face on your bathroom floor tonight, place your hand on your heart.

I’m there, and so are you.

And a video to help you become best friends with you:

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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,390

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: Youssef Hodroj/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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