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September 22, 2020

Calling upon California Animal Lovers: Can you help Save Charlie?

This morning, I checked in on Charlie, a 3-year old Shepherd/Husky mix in a shelter in Southern Los Angeles. He has been there since July, with no interest.

Under normal circumstances, I would do a story for Charlie. But unfortunately, he is out of time.

I want to reach out to those of you who have followed animal stories through elephant journal, and more particularly, mine, because Charlie needs some help. The good people at the shelter are simply overwhelmed with dogs who are quickly being labeled, bad behavior. Charlie is among them, as will happen with a dog who becomes kennel stressed.

Charlie is shown on various videos floating around our rescue dog advocacy movement playing with other dogs. He has been shown to be dog friendly.

But now, Charlie has broken down, and without a rescue, foster, sponsor, or any other home to go to, can be killed by the shelter within the next 24 hours.

This is the story in rescue dog advocacy. If you know of anyone interested in stepping up and getting involved, reach out to me on @The_Love_Trail on Instagram, and find out more…

Namaste, and thank you for reading.

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