There is not an inch of me that doesn’t love you through and through
From the day I was born, you would teach me many things—
To connect to nature
To be practical
To be curious about the world
To work hard and to make my visions and dreams a reality
To get it done
To help others
To embrace the adventures of life
To see and explore
To move my body, keep fit and healthy
To follow my dreams
To be all of me
To live authentically
To value family and freedom
To be strong
To find deep healing in nature
To open my heart
To know that I am worthy of love
Our family bond is like no other. Strong and real. Throughout our time, we have all learnt to feel more. To love deeper—to live more.
As the years go on, you continue to inspire and to teach me. Just as you have learnt through time. A lifetime of learning, experiencing, and growing. With many more years to come.
I couldn’t have been blessed with a better dad. A strong, loving, hardworking and soft-hearted man.
I love you Dad, through and through, on this day—and forever more.
You are stronger then you know. Together, we will harness our strength and love.
Life is long. It is time to make many more memories together.
I’ll be home soon.
Love always,
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