September 27, 2020

Dear Past Lover: I’m Sorry.


I wish the person I was seven years ago was the same as the person writing here this evening.

I liked who I was, but there was much to work on and heal before I could ever hold your hand in mine and love you with an open heart.

I can’t go back in time though.

I wish I could, but I can’t.

You’ve moved on, and our fairy tale has ended.

I’m happy for you.

I really am.

I just wish our paths would have crossed today rather than seven years ago.

Thank you for twirling me like a princess and loving me during the darkest period of my life.

Thank you for standing by my side and attempting to help me heal.

Thank you for loving me when I couldn’t love myself.

Thank you for leaving so I could get the help that I needed.

Thank you for seeing that you deserved better.

I wish I could go back in time, but I can’t.

There’s no erasing history, unfortunately.

What’s done is done, and I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for the pain I caused.

I’m sorry for yelling.

I’m sorry for every time I lay on your bathroom floor and couldn’t get up.

I’m truly sorry for everything.

We may never meet again, but please know that I carry you in my heart.

I loved you once, and I still do.



PS: Wear more blue. It looks good on you.




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author: Rebecca Renae

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Editor: Sukriti Chopra