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September 3, 2020

Here’s How I Trained Myself To Like My Birthmark

People have so many anxieties today. My birthmark was one of mine. It’s no longer. Here is how I got rid of that anxiety.


      Before I go to the pool, I put a band aid on the side of my right leg to cover my birthmark. My birthmark is dark brown and about three centimeters in length, so I choose a medium size plaster that´s dark to hide it. The problem is that such band aids are rare, so I have to improvise by putting two band-aids on. When I go in the pool I worry that the band aid would fall off in the water and people would see my birthmark. Invariably, once in the pool I forget about my birthmark and enjoy the water. 

        In camp, Wednesdays and Thursdays were the worst days because those were swimming days.  I  felt insecure and ashamed of my body with my birthmark showing. I  would compare myself to the other girls and wish I had  perfect legs like they do.  

        One day, my bandage fell off in the pool. A while later, someone came up to me and my friends and told us that someone ¨did number two” in the pool. The girl pointed to my leg and said, ¨It’s on your leg¨. I fled the pool, changed out of my swimming suit and waited until it was time to go back to camp. 

   Each year, I go to a doctor to make sure my birthmark is non-cancerous. They measure its length to ensure I don´t need surgery. If it grows larger it would become cancerous and I would have to get surgery to remove it.

       I wear a bandage when I go to the pool because I’m afraid people will judge me and think my birthmark is ugly and that it looks like poop.  I want to blend in with others, not stick out. 

      Right now, I’ve grown used to my birthmark, so I give band-aids a rest. After all, I’ve realized, no one else notices. They all think of themselves. 

And, guess what?

    I enjoy swimming that much more!

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