Loneliness. Everyone experiences it from time to time. Lots of people are currently battling it. With the pandemic we’re living in, it can be easy to feel alone. Here are some tips on how to cope with loneliness.
- Call your loved ones. This can be family, friends, or anyone you care about. Picking up the phone and chatting with someone can ease the loneliness. A quick or long phone call can lighten yours and the other person’s day.
- Chat with co-workers and customers. If you have a job to go to, talk to co-workers. It can be on your lunch break or if it’s not busy, chit chat with them. When you’re helping a customer, strike up a short conversation. Odds are, they’re experiencing loneliness too.
- Volunteer. If you’re not working or you’re working from home and need to get out of the house, go volunteer. Volunteering can make you feel good by giving back and interacting with people. If you’re not working and are able to, volunteer as often as you can. You’re helping yourself and the community along with building a resume!
- Join a Facebook group. You can interact with people who share the same interest. It’s a small community who come together. Join a group and reach out to someone. You can probably form friendships.
- Join a club. This is one is tricky but doable. Search for any community clubs and join one. This is another way to form friendships. Getting out and being apart of something can make you feel better.
I hope these tips help you or someone you know. We’re in a difficult time but we will get through this. You’re not alone and you’re loved!
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