For centuries we have been in the throes of masculine energy in this world.
Women have gone from being seen, protected and worshipped to being numbed, reigned in and silenced often through violence, and even the most torturous forms of death.
The word “witch” is derived from the word “wicce” which mean “wise”.
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This word is often used today to be offensive. A woman who is called a witch is one who is seen as weird, crazy or mean.
How did so much fear come from so much wisdom?
80% of those tortured and killed in the Inquisition which went on for centuries, were women.
Women who had done nothing but to help their villages, heal their community and bring hope where there was none.
Women who provided comfort and ease as we entered the world and as we left it.
The women were hunted, tortured and killed.
We learnt to be quiet, to not speak out, to hide our truth, our gifts and even our intuition.
And this can be seen all through our “modern societies” today.
Not just because of overt sexism but because of our fear to be more.
Our fear of speaking up, speaking out.
And now, as a result we live in a world with extreme masculinity. Toxic masculinity.
The Earth (the original Mother) is dying as we take and take and give nothing back.
We treat animals and other humans as though they mean nothing ans somehow justify it to ourselves so we can sleep at night.
We see evidence of this everywhere, everyday.
More and more women suffer from the psychological and psychological effects of feeling unsafe to be who they are called to be.
In 2012 the Mayan calendar ended.
Many thought this meant the literal end of the world.
Others say this was the start of a new dawn.
An awakening.
An uprising of feminine power.
Not to take control, but to bring balance to an out of control world.
And we are rising, but with fear still.
We’ve learned to be afraid of our power.
But when power is put in the hands of women, we do wonderful things with it.
If you’re a woman reading this, my sister, you are powerful beyond what you even know right now. The power you imagine, that you feel inside, is real.
And you can learn to use it, for good.
For your good, for your families good, and believe it or not, for the good of the world.
Right now, in our world, power is gained, transferred, increased, and taken away with money.
In a very masculine manner.
Money comes to me as Feminine energy though.
My clients feel it as beautiful, soft and yet strong and playful energy.
It isn’t meant to be used and abused.
It’s meant to be loved, admired and cherished and to create, just like the divine feminine herself.
You may not hear her, but you feel her.
That conflict around money, is her telling you should have it, not just for you, but for all the amazing things you will do with it.
The voice in your head you hear briefly, calling to you, before another voice convinces you you’re dreaming.
That feeling in your heart that sparks joy before, doubt overcomes it.
Healers, coaches and therapists, you are all here to share your wisdom!
To heal your clients in different but totally complimentary ways.
To help them hearing the calling.
To remind the world of the beauty and power of the feminine.
This work we do is what we are called to do and our hearts ache if we don’t do it.
They break.
When women have wealth they help more people.
When women have wealth, they stand in their worth and power (even though they always had both).
When women have wealth, they do great things.
When women have wealth, balance gets restored bit by bit in the world.
The energy of money is calling to you, she wants to be loved by you, she wants to be noticed by you.
She, like you, is wise, and knows you will do beautiful, magical things in your world with it.
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