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September 2, 2020

Love Of My Life

I know I’ve said that I will remain private about certain aspects of my private life, but I’m willing to share a small piece of it. My significant other, who prefers to stay out of the limelight and let me create all of this. He doesn’t realize how much he has truly inspired, most of what flows from my mind. It was a conversation, months ago before I started this and I said, “I want to write and share with others”, his response was go for it, I believe in you. I haven’t looked back since. As we just passed the 60 day mark for this, which honestly feels like much longer. I think it’s because I didn’t expect out of your gate to be semi successful.

The dynamics of our relationship, they are different. We know each other’s love languages, the way we communicate is effortless, I can tell him anything and vice versa. He’s seen me through the transformation of my darkest hours, to what I’ve returned to. Not many have seen the behind the scenes work I’ve put into myself, and it’s not been the easiest, but definitely worth it. When you have someone who is 110% behind you, there isn’t really a failure rate. Just a when it happens, it happens and be patient.

While respecting his privacy and his position at work (you won’t get many details about either), I have to say how proud of him, I am. He works very hard on his end to make sure we have a bright future. It’s not easy in his industry, the demand for perfection is much higher than mine. Everything between us is 50/50, no one ever goes to sleep mad and we work through everything as a couple. He’s my best friend, the one who when I fall asleep he’s my very last thought. Through everything that has happened this year, he’s been the constant support system that I needed. Make no mistake, we aren’t codependent on each, we co exist.

When you give your heart to a person, you expect them to always have your best interest at heart. I never have a doubt that he does with me, from the good morning texts, phone calls and love notes, I know how blessed I truly am. My life and heart would not be as full without him. His snores are my favorite sound along with his voice, it’s the melody to my heart. When I slip a bit, he’s there to catch me and reinforce why we are so strong together and individuals. That’s not to say we don’t have disagreements at times, we do and nothing is perfect, but we work for our happy medium. What works for us, may not for others, but keeping the lines of communication open, that’s what solidifies our bond and relationship. He truly makes me want more for us and myself. Building an empire together is our plan, nothing will stop our dreams.

Love feels different sometimes, for people, when you go through so much to make it work. He lets me shine in my light and let him have his well deserved moments. When we recently talked about love languages and learning them, I could see the extra effort he puts into us. For the record mine is physical touch, his is words of affirmation. If you have ever seen what he writes you would understand truly. We love each other with everything we’ve got, I couldn’t imagine my life without him, he’s everything I’ve ever wanted and dreamed of. They say when you meet your other half it’s a soulmate, others call it your twin flame. I call it my best friend, my lover and my heartbeat aka the love of my life. I hope that you are as blessed with that special one, because they truly are one in a million ❤️

Take Care,

  1. Taaury37
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