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September 25, 2020

Signs That You’re In a Toxic Relationship

Relationships. It can be beautiful, exciting, and wonderful. Love can melt a frozen heart. However, like anything, there are toxic relationships and red flags. These red flags can be misinterpreted or overlooked by wearing rose-colored glasses. Here are the signs that you are in a toxic relationship.

  1. You’re always compromising. You’re the one who’s compromising but your significant other is unwilling. You’re the one always giving into them while they refuse to budge. Relationships are about compromising and it shouldn’t always fall on you or your significant other to do all of the compromising.
  2. They’re controlling. They dictate who you can and can’t talk to, isolate you from loved ones, and tell you what to do. They are constantly snooping through your phone and reading your messages. They control what to wear and how to dress. If this is the case, leave ASAP. That’s a sign of an abuser.
  3. They constantly make false accusations. This can range from big things like cheating and lying to something “smaller” as to where you were at. If they always accuse you of cheating, lying, where you were at, or what you were doing, chances are they are doing that themselves. That’s called projection.
  4. There’s no trust. Indeed, trust is to be earned and gradually given to your significant other; however, if you don’t trust them, it leads to problems. Trust is a foundation for a relationship. Without trust, the relationship won’t last. After all, you can’t build a house on quicksand and expect it to last.
  5. You can’t vent to them. You can’t share your feelings or are afraid to due to their reaction. If you can’t talk to them about your thoughts or feelings, how can you share anything with them?
  6. They neglect your needs. This can be physical or emotional. If they don’t make you a priority, it’s a reflection of how they feel about you and the relationship. Obviously, you and the relationship aren’t important to them. If they put you last and don’t nurture your needs, odds are they don’t care.
  7. They’re a mystery. This can be exciting in the beginning of a relationship but not a long-term one. No matter how much they share, they still remain a mystery. It feels like you truly don’t know them. You should know the ins and outs about your significant other.
  8. They put you down. This can range from being called stupid to something as vulgar as b*tch or sl*t.  They mock you if you try to open up to them or express your emotions. If they belittle, insult, or deliberately hurt you, that’s a sign of an abuser.
  9. There’s no growth. Relationships grow and are fluid. You and your significant other are supposed to grow as individuals and as a couple. Growth is healthy and a part of life. It’s not healthy for a relationship to be stagnant. If it is, the person is probably not “the one.”
  10. You change and they don’t. Change can be a good thing especially if it’s positive. You’re the one who’s changing and they refuse. This can lead to a stagnant relationship. If that’s the case, they truly don’t care about you. Your significant other should be open and willing to change if it’s positive and beneficial.
  11. You bring out the worst in each other. Being in a relationship is supposed to bring out the best in you and your significant other. It should motivate the both of you to be the best versions of yourselves for yourself and each other. If they enable your bad traits instead of working on them, that’s not good at all.
  12. They’re  abusive. That is a clear sign of toxicity. Abuse can be physical, emotional, emotional, and psychological. If they truly love you, the wouldn’t lay a hand on you. Abuse leads to trauma and eventually, death. Run for the hills as fast as you can!
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