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September 13, 2020

Tangibility, Virtual World And You

There is a very powerful saying by one of the best English writers, Virginia Woolf, “Arrange whatever pieces come your way”. These words provoke a chain of thoughts related to something that can be seen or touched and then can probably be arranged accordingly.

It (whatever pieces) could be anything under the sun- from thoughts, books, clothes, emotions to wherever your imagination takes you. This is equally defined for all generations, be it Gen X, Gen Y or Gen Z. But what if the pieces are not visible? If the so-called thing falls under the category of intangible objects? What if it is something that all of us do or go through in our daily lives yet cannot touch it?

The relevance of virtual networks cannot be understated here. As I write this on my laptop it is technology only making it possible. Post-lockdown the world has come to almost a halt and the virtual world became more active. The unprecedented spectre of its activity shows our dependency on it but how far does it gratify our need for physical contact, for socialising when it comes to human tendency? Do we really feel satiated with the dose of virtuality? I don’t think so!

No matter how far we have reached, no matter how progressive we become in our thought process, the fact is we are all humans and we need other human fellows to interact with. The online classes, counselling sessions and other virtual world things are a good alternative to save the world from contracting the COVID-19 yet it is not the last resort. Things will get better and we all should see this as an opportunity to improve our ties and terms with each other, we should lend a helping hand to whoever needs it.

Because at the end of the day it is humans who have made technology, we must know its smart use while not leaving each other’s hand. And if the pieces are not visible to us, we all can help one another in moving ahead. The saying by Woolf holds to be apt here, in this context.

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