October 2, 2020

A Non-American’s Take on Trump Testing Positive for COVID-19.

Next up: Trump & FLOTUS Covid-Positive: This could get him a Second Term.


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Breaking news: President Trump and the first lady test positive for the coronavirus.

This is not the breaking news.

The breaking news for Trump would be: “Nature does not discriminate.”

Why doesn’t it sound surprising? (Coming from someone who has been bullsh*tting his way around with everyone and everything.)

He has put down the scientists, saying they were mistaken on the severity of the pandemic. He has downplayed the situation—all the time ignoring the rising numbers of COVID-19 cases, and the not only the physical effects, but also the emotional and psychological ones.

Having mocked even Mr. Biden for wearing a mask, it comes as a surprise as to why he plans to stay in isolation in the White House. Whose safety is he actually concerned for?

Interestingly enough, Mr. Biden has not made any statement about it yet.

This positive test will definitely undermine Trump’s efforts to turn the topic away from the pandemic, which most people around the world believe he has mishandled.

He wanted to go back to the so-called “normal life” by opening practically everything—schools, colleges, churches, and businesses.

A couple of thoughts:

1. It will be interesting to see the course of action he takes over the next few days, especially with the world watching him more closely than ever.

2. It would be a great time for Mr. Biden to go on the offensive; a lot will depend on how he plays it.

Statistically, Trump is in the age category that is most vulnerable to the virus. Eight out of every 10 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the United States have been among those individuals 65 years old and older.

Politically, it remains to be seen if he will even remain up for the ballot, depending how his health recovers.

While Trump comes out to be a bully who favors white supremacists, Biden’s suggestions of introducing Islamic education in schools are not likely to go over well either. He is merely attempting to cash in on the vote bank. He can seriously take some lessons from Europe. The real issues are ignored, as always in politics—no matter where you are in the world.

This election is particularly different as millions of votes will be cast by mail. By mid-October, millions of votes will already be cast by mail. The question remains as to how the future debates will affect the voters.

What would be interesting to watch is whether President Trump will take an idea from Mr. Modi and rely on social media to continue his campaign.

Over 200,000 people have died in from the coronavirus in the United States—and that number just keeps increasing.

As an outsider, I can surely say this: the world in general looks up to the U.S. for everything.

It comes down to the people of America to vote responsibly. And for those in power, it’s a chance to prove that they are better than this.


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author: Vinita Malik

Image: The White House/Flickr

Editor: Lisa Erickson