October 18, 2020

From Wind to Wind. {Poem}

There’s something about the change of seasons that creates a shift in the way I feel within my body.

Particularly in transitional seasons, like autumn and spring. Something they both have in common is that subtle wind of change that reminds us to let go and not remain static. The wind reminds us to move—it reminds us to breathe.

It wraps around us and energetically animates objects around us that would otherwise be still on a normal day. Tree branches begin to sway, leaves start to fall, clouds start sliding away or coming together—everything either binds or falls apart. But there is beauty here.

The wind has always had a strange and comforting way of calming my nerves.

Windy days are my favourite. I love sandstorms and seeing my streets through a sepia filter. It feels like a weird statement, especially for my asthmatic friends. No one likes sand in their eyes or cleaning up a dusty house.

Of course, I like the sound of rain or the warmth of a beautiful sunny day, but there is something about a windy day that always feels like a gentle reminder to stay alive to my feelings, to be here, now.

The air we feel around us reminds us that we are a part of the world we live in. We exchange air every single moment with our environment, in and out, using our respiratory system. An entirely unconscious design that keeps us living and moving.

Accelerate this air—and you’ve got wind. You know when you love hard or run fast? Sometimes, we amplify to expand and release an abundant amount of energy that showers us or others with the breath of passion. We give space for our cells to riot, we allow ourselves to run wild, untamed for a little bit.

I wrote this little meditation to honour the windy days that have comforted me in many ways throughout my life and reminded me that I’m never alone.

From bed to bathroom

From sofa to kettle.

From desk to chair

From shower to room.

I go from space to space

I bring this to there.

I take one and bring two

I give three and find one.





I walk from step to street.

I cross from world to world.

I move,

from wind to wind.

And the wind carries me through

‘til I’m back on my bed.

From out to in

From up to down.

Head to pillow

From dream to dream.

From night shadow to daylight

And we wake again to start

a new day to be carried,

From wind to wind.


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author: Farah Hany

Image: Jake Walker

Editor: Farah Hany