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October 4, 2020

Great Inspiration: Julia Cameron, The Artist‘s Way

Photo by Rachel Claire on Pexels.

A book, a manual, although if we called it self-help literature – we would be wrong; it directly offers lessons, instructions, the inspiration for artistic achievement: the realization of oneself as an artist, but even more: LIFE AS ART. According to that, it surpasses most psychological manuals, but also many so-called or self-proclaimed spiritual/philosophic teachers. In that sense, there is no greater harmony with oneself, God, with God within oneself, than self-realization, self-creation, and co-creation. Because God is the accomplisher, the creator, and the one who uses words to create. In a spiritual sense, the closest to that path was St. Francis of Assisi. He saw man as a participant. His peculiarity was reflected in a good knowledge of troubadour literature and compassion, coexistence with nature, plants, and animals.

Later, some of it will be revived in romantic poetics and the lives of romantic poets.

Furthermore, Julia, unlike many, knows how to take off the unnecessary burden of the artist and art: seriousness, success, recognition, suffering, madness, and misunderstanding. Because these are, just constructions or excuses of those who did not dare to go that way or settled on this overestimation/underestimation of art.

Because art is a natural, harmonious joy, dedication, laughter, faith, authenticity, the creation of Heaven on Earth. Far from that that there being no obstacles, but the path is natural, we were born for it, it is made by our measure. The possibilities of creation are inexhaustible. There are no laws, rules unless we conceive them as the laws of quantum physics and fractals, which are to some extent physical, material, and to some extent artistic, free, subject to our intentions.

Also, it shows that people are Beings, and they are divine beings, divine in parts of their nature. Here comes the famous objection of suffering and injustice. No one disputes the existence of evil, it is part of the existence of the negative in this dimension and part of the free will of man. Therefore, the task of man would be, and especially of the artist, to create good. It is not simple work; the work is often mechanical, sometimes very formalized: that is why people are exhausted and dull. Artistic work is research, finding solutions, and creating them, realizing them in reality. Therefore, the stories of artists who do not know how to think are as stupid as their creators.

To achieve that, one must be Whole, Holy. Teachers, role models and tribes are also important.

Everyone who wanted to change the world was right, on the right path. So, be just what you are. So, be you. So, realize your potential. This is bi-directionally, as usually Buddhists used to say, there is no separation between subject and object, the creation changes the creator. Or, as Marx said in the 11th Thesis on Feuerbach: “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it“.





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