October 23, 2020

Jim Carrey & Alec Baldwin’s SNL Skit of the Debate is the Laugh you Need Today.

I think we can all agree that it has been a raging clusterf*ck of a year.

Between the election, the virus, and a multitude of other thorn-in-your-side life things, the phrase, “I need a f*cking nap,” comes to mind.

But, unfortunately, we can’t sleep our way through this one. Instead, friends, I give you this: 13 minutes and 40 seconds of humorous reprieve.

I know some of you will find this more depressing. Yes, sadly, this skit with Chris Wallace (Beck Bennett) moderating the first presidential debate between Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) and Joe Biden (Jim Carrey) is grossly spot-on.

But I invite you to give yourself a few minutes to laugh-cry. Sit your ass down wherever you are, and let all the feelings come out; let this childish (yet scarily accurate) comedy bring a little lightness into your day.

And then you can come back down to our fire-ridden Earth.

Laugh a little, do whatever you need to do. And then…VOTE!


My gift to you:

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author: Kate Force

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