October 31, 2020

This cover of “Stayin’ Alive” is what Halloween 2020 Needed.

Not to be overly dramatic, but Kelly Clarkson may have gifted us the treat of Halloween 2020 that we didn’t know we needed, and did we need it.

There are important issues vying for attention all around us (a global pandemic, vitally important political elections, and natural disasters), and sometimes we need a little treat for the pure pleasure of it before we leap back into mindful citizenry.

She delivered.

For her Halloween episode, Kelly went full-costume and dressed as Meryl Streep inside a mansion set straight out of Death Becomes Her, singing a cover of the Bee Gees’ “Stayin’ Alive” like it was nobody’s business.

The Coronavirus influences were subtle but on point, with the backup dancers appearing on screens in order to stay socially distanced.


Other daytime talk shows also served up some Halloween spirit:

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Molly Murphy  |  Contribution: 117,140

author: Molly Murphy

Image: The Kelly Clarkson Show/YouTube

See relevant Elephant Video