October 1, 2020

This Performance by Patti Smith & 250 back-up singers is giving me Hope (& Goosebumps).

Patti Smith urges us to use our voices.

That’s it.

That’s the article. That’s the share. That’s the story.

This incredible powerhouse of a woman and 250 back-up singers just brought tears to my eyes and hope to my heart as I listened to this performance of “People Have The Power” from 2019.

If anyone still needs a rallying cry to register and vote, this is it.

If anyone needs to be reminded of the power of community and coming together as one, this is it.

If anyone needs a little faith restored in the power of democracy, this is it.

If you, like me, needed a little hope in your heart, you’ll find it here.


Listen for yourself and harness your voice: 


Some of the best comments from YouTube: 

“If you could see my face right now! This gave me soooo much hope and joy and a big big smile all over my face. Thank you SOOOO MUCH everyone for making this happen! It’s POWERful!” 

“This gave me freaking chills! Patti Smith is an icon. Rock on sister!” 

“ohhhh my goddess, I am shivering with life, beaming with my dreams, wide awake and amazed at this moment of hope….we are opening up LOVE and living it full on!!! I’m unabashedly appreciating Patti for all of her fierce kindness, her incandescence, her badass advocacy!”

“This has moved me truly. I feel goosebumps everywhere and tears are streaming down my cheeks. In these desperate days of January 2020, this.song has inspired me and I feel hope again for humanity.”

“OMG…shivers down my spine! Awesome! So posting this 2020 for vote.”

“Goosebumps all over my body. Especially at the end, wow that was amazing. ♥️♥️♥️”

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Molly Murphy  |  Contribution: 117,195

author: Molly Murphy

Image: YouTube

Editor: Nicole Cameron