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*Editor’s Note: “Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed
The energy of the full moon eclipse in Gemini is set to be one for big change.
The sun is in the sign of hopeful and optimistic Sagittarius that is also governed by Jupiter—the planet of luck and expansion—which remains conjunct Pluto until approximately December 23rd.
So what does all this really mean?
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Well, for starters, we could be looking at a pivotal time, both individually and collectively, as we let go of narrow perspectives and criticisms to focus on a stronger need for shared interests and intense emotional growth.
Gemini is represented as the twins in astrology and from an archetypal standpoint reminds us of the yin and yang of life. For every ounce of darkness, there is light, and for every bit of light, there is darkness, and that is what creates the whole.
We are all made of light and dark, and therefore, to embrace one to the exclusion of the other creates an imbalance within us.
This full moon eclipse is giving all of us an opportunity to shed limited perspectives and open our minds to the viewpoints of others. We might also be able to see where we are clinging to certain situations in life, whether that is specific outcomes or ways of interacting with the world around us.
The archetype of Sagittarius is the gypsy (or ultimate voyager) and is a sign that always seeks to know more and expand one’s knowledge or go to the far reaches in order to uncover universal truth.
It has been said that the universe seeks wholeness, so if there are areas in our lives that we have been ignoring or keeping a false pretense, the change that comes with the full moon might feel like having the rug swept out from under us.
However, if we are ready for a big change, then this could be a terrific opportunity for us to ask for higher wisdom and awareness in order to bring us more fully into wholeness.
Often, when people think of change, it can be met with feelings of negativity because once we have established a certain way of being, our ego gets comfortable, and anything that shifts us into discomfort can feel really challenging.
Our souls want to grow and expand, so when we can start seeing that change is necessary for our growth, we can allow to be what will be while understanding that the discomfort is temporary as our minds adjust to the new reality.
On a planetary level, we are being asked to step into more unity consciousness at this time, which means that some people might be met with more challenges than others when it comes to letting go of the old paradigm of separation mentality.
We are being asked to let go of the need for self-righteous attitudes and strong convictions that do not allow us to connect with one another and see one another as extensions of ourselves. This might be a harder concept for some to grasp than others, especially when another is showing up shrouded in darkness.
Remember, for every bit of darkness, there is light, and for every bit of light, there is darkness. It can be no other way.
But I digress.
Change is the only thing promised to any of us, so why not make the most of it?
Here are three ways we can embrace the inevitability of change with this full moon eclipse:
1. Understand that change essentially starts with us.
Yes, sometimes, we will be pushed into a corner to make a change, but other times, we will instinctively know when change is necessary.
Deciding and being completely willing to follow through with change is what will keep us from going back to what feels familiar—to old patterns—as our brains love to do so.
2. We must take radical responsibility for our past and, therefore, our current situation.
Radical responsibility is being able to hold ourselves accountable, own our sh*t, and be willing to apologize to ourselves for not knowing better. Please notice I said “take responsibility” and not “hold yourself hostage.”
We all make mistakes. We are all humans, and we are all doing our best. If we had known to do different in the past, then we would have done it differently. Change can mean doing things even better than before, as hindsight shows us what didn’t work in the past.
3. We must make peace with the fact that a loss of certain relationships will be inevitable as we shift into a different version of ourselves.
Understand that sometimes, people cannot continue on our journeys with us because we are all on our paths. Oftentimes, the people we love the most just aren’t ready, or they have a different path to take in life—being okay with that will make all the difference as we take the path of inner transformation.
This full moon eclipse in Gemini could be the energetic push that our soul needs in order to step more fully into our wholeness, claim our authenticity, and shine even brighter than before.
The soul of Earth is changing; therefore, we all must change as well.
Happy Full Moon!
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