November 7, 2020

A Georgia State of Mind.

Music is stunningly human.

Somehow music can capture emotion in a method that other ways of communicating can lack. In times of celebration or uncertainty (or any other number of emotional feels), we often turn to music to express those emotions.

It speaks to our hearts, our souls, and to some deep call inside us to connect with others who are experiencing those same emotions we are.

Update: Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock win Senate seats in the Georgia runoff.

Georgia has officially been deemed too close to call and has emerged as a critical battleground state in the 2020 elections. Recount or not, the results of the count are historical. No Democratic presidential candidate has carried the state since 1992.

And the state’s Senate seats will be determined by run-off elections in January.

Emotions are running high. Folks are #TrackingKornacki from MSNBC with his mad math skills and his stamina that has the world worried about his well-being. Millions of Americans have become news junkies overnight as we enter yet another day of Election Week 24/7 coverage on all the major networks.

In the midst of this, the great John Legend treated the world to what was inside his heart and I think we can all relate:


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author: Molly Murphy

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