Going to the church on regular basis is a necessity for a quality of Christian life. Praying and having fellowship with the church mates is adds to the charm of the spirit inside us. We learn, guide each other and grow together and this makes our spirits radiant towards opening the gateway of blessings. Having true people in our life who love us, pray for us and take care of us is a blessing. As written in Ecclesiastes 4:10 NIV “If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up”. It is a favor from God when He sends His people to help us and to uplift us in our difficult times. Our consistency in attending prayer sessions gladdens the heart of our Holy Father in the heaven when we do it compassionately. But there arises a discrepancy when we violate the law of loving everyone (1 John 4:7) by being judgmental to the ones who don’t belong to the same church.
Recent trends are following the division patterns of being associated to the famous bethel and circumvent those who are from the other prayer centers. We often mistake to estimate others as low in biblical knowledge or less active in spirits because they are from the other praying bodies. Some of us follow the ‘Church Centered’ patterns of forbidding the outsiders and disallowing the members to learn anywhere else. This church centered format emphasizes only on learning inside the premises and rejecting any outsource teachings. People are blindly focused on abhorring the pastors from other spheres because of their belief that only their ministers are following the righteous paths. It is important to follow the elders and obey them as said in Hebrews 13:7. But that simply does not imply to borderline the ones from different arenas. There is a strong need to understand that we all are different organs of the same body and our body is CHRIST and we all together make one body (1 Corinthians 12 : 27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it).
Our Father in the Heaven is one and His only Son, JESUS is our Lord. He died for all of us and not for just one particular sanctuary. He shed His blood for all of us at the same time and His love is same for all of us. He never discriminates based on organizations, prayer towers, type, caste or religion. For He has loved us, so we ought to love each other (I John 4:11 NIV). There makes no sense of differentiating amongst brothers and sisters based on the bodies to which they belong because we all have same JESUS Who died for you as well as for them. If God puts people in our path, He does it under His divine planning. For accomplishing His task He will put people in our life to teach us or grow us to reach the destination and it does not matter to which church they belong to because GOD is One and He does not differentiate amongst His people. 1 Corinthians 12:13, For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit. We accept Jesus as our savior during our baptism as one body and His same spirit reigns in us no matter to which part of the world, country, region, or church we belong to. One MUST understand He is Jesus who gives us life and gave us church NOT the church who gave us life.
Our focus must be on JESUS first because only He can satisfy our soul. The personal relationship you develop with Jesus will comfort you and develop you into the character of Christ. He is the only one who gives grace and strength in the difficult times of our lives. Whatever we face, Jesus is the only one who stands first beside us then come our fellowship-mates. Remember, the fellowship is too provided by the Lord for support in walk with Jesus. This fellowship can be from anywhere or any person and we are not supposed to judge them for being affiliated by other chapel. Therefore we should respect the ones who come from the Lord as they may play a major role in our calling. So to whom are you going to focus more on – Jesus or church?
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