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November 2, 2020

Community Development, Community Wellness, and You

Community health, development, and outcomes are all major topics of discussion in today’s age. Community wellness is quickly rising as another major discussion point,  but it isn’t always clear what is meant by this term. In many ways, community wellness is a holistic and high-level approach to community outcomes in more general terms. We all can recognize the connections of health and development in a community – illness impacts community work, and poor work can promote illness. But understanding both from the same perspective – that is community wellness.


Community wellness is often defined as the “combination of social, economic, environmental, cultural, and political conditions identified by individuals and their communities as essential for them to flourish and fulfill their potential.” Community wellness stems from community health, but health can encompass many different topics. But luckily, the community itself often holds the answers and means for promoting health and wellness.



Wellness often comes from within, more so than from without. And to develop a better sense of wellness, it’s important to work with the community itself to better understand what resources are available to them. Building and maintaining existing relationships within the community is critical for developing a community. Connections build wellness by enhancing social trust, fostering civic engagement, and empowering members of the community to be democratic.



Equitability, often more than equality, can support and promote diversity, social justice, and empower the individual as well as promote a community of wellness and wellbeing. Equity has grown more popular than equality, as not all people have the same needs or goals – helping everyone reach what they need takes more than just a blanket of surface-level offerings. 



A livable community is essential for wellness – we can’t be well if we can’t live. Ensuring that housing is available and affordable is key, but so are other facets of life – facets which promote a healthier lifestyle for all. Everything from education to parks and rec can be essential facets of public health and wellness and are firmly under the umbrella of ‘livability’ within a community. We have long known the benefits of natural scenery and a good education, but it’s becoming clearer that support systems of all kinds affect far more of our lives than is immediately clear.

Wellness is a bit of a buzzword today, but it’s an excellent term for use in the community development field. Community is inherently reliant on a wide and variable number of people and resources, and focusing on any one aspect can lose out on many other benefits. Wellness and wellbeing are important for our lives across all boundaries, and building upon it requires us to go beyond them.

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