November 15, 2020

How to Set those Much-Needed Boundaries during COVID-19.


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The struggle with the impermanence and indefiniteness of this pandemic has given me a lot to think about.

(I’m sure we are all thinking about it!)

So, why are boundaries so important?

Well, our home is not just home now; it’s home, office, schoolroom, gym, restaurant (I’m sure the list can go on and on).

But this interim time should not sabotage our well-being because our physical environment can impact our mental health. We all can bring vigor and sparkle into our everyday world by creating designated areas for each.

How do we create these spaces?

Regardless of your profession, create a space where you spend maximum hours of the day and can call it a sacred place—a space just for yourself. This space should reflect the person you are, permeate good energy, inspire you, and make you smile. 

Take time to declutter and organize it to increase focus and improve productivity. Natural light creates a feeling of calm, improves overall attitude, and reduces anxiety, so find a spot that gets maximum natural light.

Perhaps you can include memorabilia that reminds you of poignant events in your life. I have created my space in one of the corners of my bedroom that has my laptop, monitor, and music system.

What other things to consider?

>> Make sure that your sacred space is separate from the place where you relax. 

This is important. If you don’t have much space, lay it out in a way that lets you visually “leave work” at the end of the day. As much as you may feel compelled to work longer hours to prove that you can be productive, draw a line between professional and personal life.

>> Integrate nature into your home by buying plants that can create a tranquil space. You might have noticed how a walk in the park can do wonders; it reduces mental fatigue and stress.

We might not realize it, but most wall paints, computer parts, plastics, building materials, and so on break down over time and release toxins into the air we breathe, and plants can improve indoor air and reduce pollution to positive outcomes. Also, keep your windows open to let the fresh air come in. 

>> Dedicate some time for exercise—even if it’s just for 15 minutes. (I am sure we can give that to ourselves.) It’s not just about aerobic capacity and muscle size, sure you can improve your physique, trim your waistline, but it’s more about the profound impact that exercise has on our well-being. I prefer to exercise in the morning as it keeps me fresh and active the entire day.

>> Take breaks! Seriously. Listen to either music, read a book, dance, or do whatever gives you happiness, brings joy, and awakens something inside you. For me, music is the key, and I have songs playing at low volume most of the time, except when I am in meetings.

>> And, of course, the classic: go for walks.

And remember:

“Perfect is the enemy of the good!” ~ Voltaire

Always do what is perfectly good for you because we all are different; let things flow naturally forward. 

Ask yourself: am I satisfied with the space I’ve created?

Stay safe, everyone. This shall pass soon. For those who still have to go out for work: you are braver than you believe.


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Mehwish Ashraf  |  Contribution: 120

author: Mehwish Ashraf

Image: choppachops/instagram

Editor: Kate Force

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