November 8, 2020

Dear America: It is Time We Cooperate.

Good evening, America.

My name’s Rebecca. I’m 28 years old, a Democrat, and the proud owner of a ’97 Honda CRV named Bernie.

I sing Portuguese in the shower, speak Spanish with my neighbors, and encourage bilingualism for all the children I work with who have special needs.

I believe in marriage equality.

I support Obamacare.

I think every person should have access to higher education, no matter their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or parents’ beliefs.

I believe sexual identity falls along a continuum.

I stand by evidence-based research.

I believe what a woman does with her body is her choice and her choice alone.

I’m also the daughter of Republicans.

I grew up listening to country music, attending my town’s annual turkey shoot, and eating venison and bear meat frequently for dinner.

I grew up with lifted trucks, confederate flags, and hearing that Mexicans were taking jobs away from Americans.

If you drive by me on the road, I’m likely to be switching the stereo between country, Reguetton, classic rock, and NPR.

I’m still a big fan of Brooks and Dunn, George Strait, and Reba. I still love the outdoors, backroads, and plaid.

I grew up country, but I have never supported bullies, bigots, or hate speech, and I never will.

No matter what side you are on,

No matter why you vote the way you do,

We need to first and foremost care about character, kindness, and decency.

We are the United States of America, and as Joe Biden said tonight, we must cooperate.



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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,390

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: Twitter Moments

Editor: Sukriti Chopra