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November 30, 2020

For 2021 I’m Taking My Roots With Me

I felt compelled to share a piece of my story regarding the quest for freedom and cutting cords.
This year has been a year where I’ve read a lot about letting go and cutting cords in order to fly and raise ones-own vibration. And so I’ve done it.

I let go friendships that were reminding me of the past and of a version of myself I did not want to carry with me any longer. I cut cords with my mother and grandmother, because I felt it was time that their issues and family trauma stopped affecting me. I let go of old projects I had in mind, which never even saw the dawn of a plan. Until one morning I woke up and I found myself alone. And free?

I stopped and decided to question all I’ve done in 2020, but especially my desperate attempt to be free and feel free. From what? For what?
Could it be that freedom, after all, does not reside in not having any ties? On the contrary, as my friend Cate expressed it perfectly, it’s the bonds that tell us who we are and why we do what we do.
We live in a society that is clearly scared of forming bonds, yet it speaks of the importance of having and creating a community.

2020 November’s Full Moon is said to be the most powerful of the year, you are asked once more: what are you letting go of? Finding myself exhausted by all the throwing away, I decided to turn around to look at all those I’ve tried to leave behind hoping not to carry any weights as I walk into a New Earth: yet I missed those girlfriends who remind me precisely of who I am and where I come from.

With my ego sent on a vacation, I reached out to each one of them with lengthy apologies and shots of explanations. To my surprise I was welcomed back understood.

I could feel a real cord tying me to certain women, just like the cord I share with my mother and grandmother and my ancestors. I strongly believe we have certain bonds not by mistake, and while we do have the power to exercise our free will and get rid of them, I also believe that it is two directional: meaning, there are important exchanges happening along these cords. Cords can feel like curses but they are our support system, like the fungal network underneath the soil, connecting all the trees of the forest (community).

In 2021, in order to reach a bit higher I choose to grow my roots deeper.
I consciously choose to honour the cords.
I choose to take instead of letting go.
Those family traumas I choose to transform. And share the baggage with the women I love.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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