November 5, 2020

Last Night I Cried {& it wasn’t (really) about the Elections}.


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Last night I cried.

I cried after a couple of hours of watching the Presidential election projections. There was a point I had had enough—I clenched my jaw and lay down in a fetal position—the anxiety was real.

Yes, I know that results take time. I’m also aware that there are many mail-in ballots that are slowly making their way to be counted, particularly important because of the huge voter turn-out, and because we’re having to vote during a pandemic. Thank you, warriors, for voting. Thank you for your patience.

However, that is not why I cried.

Watching the red map of the United States was a reminder of the growing wildfires that continue to burn through our forests. The loss of lives and homes. The unstoppable migration that we will have to endure when these forests become unlivable. What about wildlife? They have already lost so much.

It breaks my heart every time I imagine a life where we can’t go hiking, see birds fly, smell the trees, stay still for a deer to walk its path, or experience the view at the top of a mountain, as I had the pleasure to do yesterday. I want my kids and their kids to be able to experience this—which I love and care for so deeply.

“We are part of nature—utterly dependent on the natural world for our well-being and survival.” ~ David Suzuki

That red color is a reminder that we still have so much work ahead of us. Not only in regard to environmental justice, climate change, global warming, but social and economic justice. We yet have to come together in how we’re all interconnected. So, no matter who wins, we will continue to fight for our rights. Fight for the rights of those who don’t have a voice. Fight to protect this beautiful world we live in. Fight to protect the beautiful world we want our kids and their kids to live in. Fight for love and kindness.



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Michelle M. Smith  |  Contribution: 6,350

author: Michelle M. Smith

Image: michellesmithyoga/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chopra

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