November 22, 2020

Riding the Waves: Inspiration from Rumi for Challenging Times.

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” ~ Rumi

I return to poetry and Rumi often, especially during challenging times.

These times are strange and uncertain.

These days call for Rumi and tons of self-care and restoration.

I have spent a fair amount of time in reflection, pondering in quiet serenity. I have learned to surf the waves of life, and now is no different. I have had my fair share of storms to ride, after all.

I acknowledge that this pandemic is a trauma that the entire world is experiencing. But collectively, we can grow and heal.

Of this, I am certain.

So I thank God for creative pursuits, which anchor me to the present moment.

I thank God that I am alive.

I thank God for this very moment, and this pen and paper.

I ask myself, “What if this pandemic is actually a gift?” I ask my higher self, “How can this be?”

I intuitively write this answer:

Life is a gift and so is awakening.

This moment is a gift, and life is precious and precarious and filled with bitter sweetness. This moment, in all of its uncertainty, is glorious. I am exhilarated as air fills my lungs and my hands write these words.

My heart and soul is on fire with life!

We can learn to surf and enjoy the moment and all that it brings. We can set our hearts ablaze with the desire to live a life that we have always aspired to live.

We do not know what tomorrow will bring, and all we have is now, so it is best that we all start living.

Yes, we can learn to ride the waves of uncertainty—after all, we are the ocean.

My heart speaks and the soul answers.

Thank you Rumi.


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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 68,450

author: Renee Fesser

Image: Hossein Behzad/Wikimedia Commons

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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