We know we know that beautiful Soul, but how do we know?
We feel an inner nudge of deep resonance; Soulful tingling in the heart. The familiarity in their eyes, the remembrance beneath their voice, the way their heart meets ours in synchronistic harmony. We sense ancient stories already woven, beyond our present connection so much lies beneath the scenes.
Times once past echoing within our hearts, acting as a pointer to the knowing we have deep within. Our connection sparks a memory, a harmonic resonance with our true nature. We can’t hide from who we are in the presence of a Soul mate, for they see who we truly are behind the veils of illusion and the layers of masks we choose to wear. They know who we are and we know they know..
Ancient. Deep. Mystical. And oh so Loving. They are here to Love, guide and support us on our journey, acting as a compass keeping us on our chosen Soul path. They are our Divine helpers, family and Soul tribe. Although they may not always serve us in the way we would like, sometimes their role is to dismantle our ego and trigger us to the core until there is just no hiding anymore. You have no choice but to be True, to unveil the real you, and it is there that they shall meet you.
The concept of Soul mates originates from the perspective that we are eternal beings who have lived many lifetimes. If you can imagine that we are not this body in which we currently reside, we are not the mind, we are not our personality or our life circumstances… What is left?
Some say that we are pure awareness yet what is experiencing this awareness? In order to perceive ourselves we must have seemingly ‘separated’ from the Source in which we originated from. This can be referred to by many names including: God, The Divine, Universal Energy or Creator, all are pointing to the omnipresent divine intelligence that creates all life and exists within absolutely everything in existence. This is the energy that turns a seed into a tree and that enables the union of a sperm and an egg to develop into human. It’s the Divine life force behind the creation of life and is always present within all living things.
The Soul is an individual stream of consciousness that originates from the Creator and is able to experience life, our soul is the ‘us’ beyond who we have been taught to be. The Soul is beyond our human existence, the Soul can be seen as our pure essence, our innate wisdom and divinity.
We have lived many lifetimes in many different bodies, had different personalities, lifestyles and circumstances. In each of these lifetimes we have had experiences with many other Souls. We tend to incarnate with a specific group of Souls over and over again in each lifetime. These Souls may play different roles and characters each time. For example someone who is our Father in this lifetime may have been our best friend in another and our best friend in this lifetime may have been our daughter or Mother. This is in order to experience the full spectrum of human existence and to teach each other valuable lessons and virtues.
We decide what we are going to experience in each lifetime prior to incarnating and have an intended path for our Soul to experience once arriving here on Earth. We communicate on a Soul level with these Souls who are going to be incarnating with us in this lifetime. As a Soul wanting to come to Earth, we will choose our parents depending on what lessons and experiences our Soul would most like to experience, we will also choose the specific relationships and experiences that will arise within our lifetime. We also have freewill meaning that once we are here we can always make new choices.
Soul mates have incarnated with each other over and over again and have played many roles to each other. These may not always be what we perceive to be positive or enjoyable experiences, as sometimes our Soul mates may provide the exact experiences that we need in order to grow.
When we meet a Soul mate it is an instant recognition, usually noticed when we first look into their eyes. As our eyes are the windows to our Soul, you may have a sense of knowing each other from other times. Soul mates can also be recognised by their unique energy vibration or through the tone of their voice. It is almost always an instant ‘click’ or familiarity that draws you together. You will feel like you’ve known each other forever and you will feel like family, as on some level you are.
There are many different types of Soul mates, some Souls come into each other’s lives to assist and guide each other, this could be in the role of parent and child or teacher and student. Soul contracts are the agreements that Souls made together prior to incarnating and include the experiences and lessons that they intend to experience together. Soul contracts may often be joint contracts, for example between a teacher and their students, or in a relationship one of the partners may also have a soul contract with their partner’s parents or their children from another relationship.
Whereas some Soul mates are meant to be friends, family, teachers or colleagues, other Soul mates will show up as potential partners for a relationship. We each have several compatible Soul mates and they may be placed all over the world. With many of your compatible Soul mates you have been in relationships together many times before in different lifetimes. When you meet it will often feel like you are continuing from where you left off.
Soul mate relationships are deeply loving and involve lots of growth and learning. They can also be turbulent at times as there may be situations that arise which trigger memories from other lifetimes that you are still holding onto vibrationally. This is where the concept of karma comes in. Karma is not a punishment but a vibrational balancing of cause and effect. What you do to another is recorded vibrationally and in order for it to be balanced the energy comes back round.
As we grow and evolve we are shifting energetically and may no longer be a vibrational match to our current partner, in this case they can choose to rise together or to both move on to another compatible Soul mate. Each relationship prepares us for our divine life partner, the ‘One’ that is often referred to in ancient texts. Your divine life partner is your perfect compliment, your sacred reflection and ‘other half’, although we are never really split in half, it can feel as though we are when we are so energetically similar to another Soul it can feel like we are merging into one. This is the highest form of relationship and is known as Sacred Union. This is when Souls meet as One, merging all polarities and harmonising on all levels ~ within themselves and with each other. This is the most harmonious and balanced relationship we can experience and usually these relationships feel destined and you sense that you have a similar Soul message or have a joint higher purpose that you are here to share together.
Our Soul meetings are arranged beyond the conscious mind, it’s happening on a Soul level, you are looking for them and they are looking for you, although sometimes there may be lessons that need to be learned before you can meet, other relationships that want to be experienced or the clearing of past pains that will enable you to be together in harmony. Soul mate relationships are divinely orchestrated although we can speed up the process by releasing the beliefs, blocks and wounds that we have to love and relationships.
The more we clear, the less triggers there will be and the more harmonised our relationships will become. Our partner is our mirror and who we attract and the quality of our relationships is a direct reflection of our inner world. Soul mates are our divine helpers, guides and companions, the Soul mate’s highest intention is to remind us of our true nature. Soul mates offer us the perfect opportunity to heal and release all that is standing in the way of remembering who we truly are.
Soul mate love reminds us that we are eternal beings and that we are an embodiment of love.
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