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November 19, 2020

The Ocean Stays with Me

An afternoon drive up the coast beholds

Brick red Pacific waters, indicative of some alien species

As they emit light – upon night

Like that of an Aurora Borealis spectacle

Incandescent ribbons of neon blue and green waves glow luminously

Imitating the spirit of my atypical daughter, Ocean, a namesake, a brilliant, bright being of mystery all on her own.

She listens earnestly to the roaring tides with their deep, lyrical, harmonic chants of wisdom, or laughter, or perhaps frustration with the human world

And responds with fitting coos as if she speaks the language of the ocean

Then come her ecstatic sound offs of amusement, followed by tears, then a brief silence, and more of the same.

The idea that she was up past her bedtime was of essence

Oh! To experience this majestic bioluminescence

I suspect that she is ruining my potential encounter for some prolific, meditative ocean experience

Turns out she isn’t

Because even amongst her screeching cries,

Sensations of swelling waters rush against my every internal organ,

Synonymous with the light-filled waves that crash upon the ridged rocky shores.

I squeeze her body against my chest and quietly rock her in my arms

While the limitless ocean wind tickles the skin just below my third eye.

Stillness descends upon us

And as she drifts off to sleep, I observe the pace of her breath slow down

I can see clearly now

The vastness of this body of water – the most curious on the planet, only 20% known

What else is down there? This spectacularly peculiar phenomenon leaves my mind blown

Letting me know that I, we are not alone

That chill emanating along the body… is it the ocean breeze? Maybe.  Or it could very well be the simplicity of life communicating with – life.

It is imperative that we listen.

It is why

The ocean stays with me.

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