Trump has led people to believe he’s the only true patriot and that a vote for him is a vote for everything that is good for and about this country.
But if a presidential candidate will not even commit to respecting and accepting the outcome of the country’s vote, how is that, in any way, patriotic? His responsibility as president is to represent the interests of all the people in the country, not just “his people”—his base.
It’s ironic that Trump’s base is flying the slogan “Make America Great Again” because that is exactly what is called for: a return to the values of decency and dignity and respect for your fellow neighbors—values that would truly Make America Great and values that Trump has spat on and ground into the dirt under the boot of his power as president (a power he has had no compunctions about abusing).
And even more disturbing, this country has shown itself to be safe harbor to a base that applauds this president’s irreverence of these values—a “base” that indeed applauds his “baseness.” His supporters mistake Trump‘s ability to fly in the face of such values as strength, instead of the classic bully tactics that they are.
The last four years have shown exactly what Trump stands for and represents in this country and what he has been capable of doing for it in just one single term, which has been to bring the United States to its knees.
America under Trump is a more divided nation than we have ever been. As opposed to the election of 2016, a vote today is a fully informed one. How this country votes today will be a true reflection of the values that the majority of Americans hold close to their hearts. And how this country votes today will show this particular voter whether the fight that lies ahead—for justice, equality, and respect for our planet and its inhabitants—will be a divided or a united one.
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