December 28, 2020

2020 Sucked. Want 2021 to Suck Less?

2020 was an unforgettably difficult year for most of us, and nearly all of us who aren’t…rich.

Raging fires, hurricanes (so many, they ran out of letters), and floods.

A civil rights awakening born of bloodshed, and racism. Climate change.

Voting in impressive numbers…despite, and because of, rampant voter suppression in what was once regarded as the World’s great Democracy.

A pandemic that showed the lines between those who care for truth, and those who care for…themselves.

A pandemic borne of wet markets, of factory farming…a solution to pandemics and climate change (veganism) right in front of us, that we have invested nothing in making happen.

But within the pain of 2020—the division, the delusion, the lost jobs and businesses, the raging fires, fearful floods and the growing, belated understanding by the masses that Climate Change Is A Thing…a quiet life went on, with its little sweet un-Instagrammed joys, its daily challenges, its tough Fridays and tired Mondays.

And your Elephant battled on, beneath the boot of Instagram and Facebook, which have killed nearly all blogs and media.

Not only did we battle on, we did so with our mission ever in mind, taking careful yet bold steps forward. Why? Because as the world shudders, our mission—that is your mission, too—to be of benefit—becomes all the more beautifully urgent.

So: all that matters is that we stay active in 2021. Yes, we’ve voted. But now is the time to keep showing up with caring. The fate of our planet, and species, and all other species depends on our bothering to care. No pressure (!). Just show up, and find a way to contribute. Get your friends to care about animal rights, or climate change, or equity. Share truth, and eco-responsibility—share urgently, and for love. Love.

And “Love” isn’t a Hallmark card. Love is caring. Love is caring about people. Those we love, already, and those we don’t know. Those we agree with, already, and those we disagree with. Love is courage. Love is bravery. Love is tough stuff.

May 2021 bring some overdue action, truth, and accountability. May the joy in our basic human nature flower into compassion. May we be of benefit! ~ Waylon

PS: a few bright points: more folks baked. More folks biked. More folks cooked. More folks skipped planes, and the accompanying not-eco-tourism and emissions. What else? Share in comments.


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Our Best of 2020 articles are the equivalent of that popular, yet grounded, and kind person you looked up to in junior high—these were…are…quality, and connected with our readers (you).

For independent media, for this mindful community to have survived and thrived another year…it’s all thanks to you. ~ Waylon H. Lewis, founding editor.

Here’s one of my favorite moments.


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