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December 28, 2020

Changing the Dimension of life from 3D to 5D level of consciousness.

I am sure we do upgrade our internet plan to speed up downloads as well as our research work, from 1G to 2G, 2G to 3G, 3G to 4G along with 5G coming up which is a new global wireless standard as mentioned. This kind of network will change our way interaction with technology be it higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, more reliability, despite new connections with new industries. There will be massive internet of things, it will impact every nook and corner of business life as well as human life. I am sure your subconscious brain must be thinking what this writer is talking. However, this is a reality which actually there is no reality, everything is a perspective to see things. We are moving to the new world order where everything is possible.


The way we need newness in our technology life, in the same way there is a requirement of 5D (dimension) vision; where it means spiritual dimension which mirror our spiritual growth as we experience it in our human being where there are infinite possibilities to live life. The number before ‘D’ means level of consciousness in that dimension. The way we will experience virtual reality, artificial intelligence with the 5th Generation technology; 5 dimensional vision in our life gives view to love we want, the life we want to live. In the spiritual dimensional, life is limitless the way it is possible in 5th generation of technology.

Human Species are in habit of living in a 3D level of consciousness where they are occupied with fear, feeling lack, limitations, stuck in rut of life, suffering. With this pandemic, there is a feeling of being out of control, what is going to happen. This shows that we all experiencing the 3D consciousness. I tell you the magic word for 5D state, that is ‘Effortless.’ If we move to that state, humans will experience oneness, unconditional love, forgiveness, higher rate of manifestations, the real of purpose of people on this earth will start unfolding. There is nothing in this world which is IMPOSSIBLE, just pick up the history and read we have discovered so much in terms of technology, development. For better, better human life upgrade start using the language of love, caring, surrender, focus on the things which we can control.

I understand that there will be a resistance, that’s a phase we will go through but make sure not to listen to that voice. There is no such thing called pain and struggle, it is an illusion, a conditioning been done to make us believe that in order to achieve anything we need to struggle. Change in perspective, will change the life 360 degree.

Pandemic is a blessing in disguise which gave us time to go deep inside us and explore ourselves. This whole journey made me realise that everything is inside us, whatever we want we can have it, we just need to ask in a right manner. The most significant thing is we need to surrender to higher Intelligence who created this beautiful Universe where there is a possibility of happening anything. I believe that this pandemic can get over  given that we all work in harmony of ourselves as well as togetherness.

And hey!! we in a human form, has to go through some pain in order to realise that our true worth. Despite knowing that we will no more be going through that cycle. Just need to know where to stop the cycle.

Surrender!!! Love!!! Be in Rhythm of Universe……

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