December 28, 2020

For the Wild Ones who are Ready to set 2021 on Fire.


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This is my declaration of independence.

And, hereby, I declare the wild woman
in me to be free.

Free from the judgments of (m)others
trying to carve their way into her soul.

Free from the misinterpretation, the abuse,
the cold treatments.

Free from how they all once told her to be.

I am the child, the woman, the lover, the holy mother.
I am releasing myself from all that was before.

It ends, right here, with me.
I repeat: I am free.

I am the high priestess of this holy land,
talking to the gods for wisdom,
asking the clouds for direction.

The wind runs through my veins.

My voice lights fires.

I can feel the gentle pull of the earth beneath me.

I am the gatekeeper, the wise one, the rebel, the fool.

I am the embodiment of the divine feminine.

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Andrea van Herk  |  Contribution: 940

author: Andrea van Herk

Image: spinnerweb/instagram

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Kate Force