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December 17, 2020

Leap Of Faith

It’s nearing the end of December of the longest year in history, and I’m ready to make moves. After leaving my former position, and finding a new home in the medical field, I’m ready to go all in. The process of going onto the company website was step one of my leap of faith, and my rediscovery of myself and what I have to offer. There are people within the hospital group who have made me aware of what’s can be offered my way, if I so choose that path. I’ve already promised myself that if I’m going to step outside of my home base, aka the hospital it’s going to take a dream position. Do I think that exist? I’m not honestly not 100%, but there are some that come pretty close to my version of “perfect”.

There are two aspects of Taaureane, one that thinks logically and the other who thinks with her heart. Both offer the same amount of negative and positive effects, it’s the picking of which path to follow that boggles me down. Working in the field of food for so long, helped and hindered me in many ways. The things I did walk away with though were leadership, excellent people skills and the yearn to know more of how businesses work. I started at the bottom of the totem pole, worked my way up from that to a shift leader and years later assistant/store manager. It didn’t happen overnight, it was 13 hard years of proving myself, working my ass off and not missing details. It was a family franchise, so the fact that they put that much stock into a girl who just wanted more, I can’t thank them enough. Phyllis, Don, Chris, Erika, Mike and Steve, you were the people who taught me that no matter where you start, you can make a difference. Years after leaving there, I use so much of what I went through, and applied it to my Team Lead position at the hospital. Customers still remember me, some actually even work at the hospital, its truly been a full circle moment for me.

Making the decision to put all of that in the rear view wasn’t easy for me. It was my identity for almost 17 years, but we all must move on at some point. My purpose is to help people, and in some ways heal from their traumas. As someone who is a Buddhist and believes in peace, not conflict, I try to apply that to my daily life. I’m a peacemaker among my friend groups, a silent leader unless I need to speak up. I would rather others get the credit in some cases. This was never more true than the last 3.5 years and now I’m more vocal, found my footing in this world. Career wise that has opened doors for me. I have learned to use the voice that echoed for so long, and now roars. Standing up for what I believe in and watching that take hold, it’s really liberating for me. For my opinion to count among those with higher titles, is a very humbling feeling. These are opportunities I’ve prayed for, and now they are a reality. Who knew a pandemic, would be my big break in life right?

As I ready myself for life after the pandemic is under control, I think back to the person I once was. A year ago at this point, I was miserable, lost and had no sense of direction. This was something I hid with my smile, and ability to conform to the rules of others. Now I’m the one who’s breaking through those barriers and setting the standards with my ideas. I’m truly proud of the person I am now, stronger both mentally and physically. It’s been a long time of being just Taaury, now it’s Taaury37 both in voice and writing. What does that mean to me? It means that the girl with a dream, became the woman who went for it, took a chance and succeeded. If you truly believe in what you are creating, even if it starts with a sticky note, an idea in your kitchen or telling your best friends this is my dream, it’s worth it. Don’t ever let the naysayers tell you, its or you are too much. That just means those aren’t your tribe, the people meant to be the support system you seek, will always validate you. Always remember your instincts are just the sparks that set your dreams on fire. Take the leap, start the business, fall in love with yourself, and continue the wild journey called life.

Take Care,


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