December 18, 2020

In 2021, I Hope you Stop Playing it Small.

This has been a tough year for so many of us, including me.

We all found ourselves faced with changes that we had not anticipated and felt lonely or isolated.⠀⠀⠀

I believe it’s time to take our vision for 2021 and dream big—about the world, our lives, and our work.

We were born into this life with a divine purpose; this is our personal life mission. It is no mistake that we are here on this planet right now.

Often, when we allow ourselves to dream big, the mind tends to sneak in and tries to protect us from our greatness by asking the question, “How?”

But you know what, we don’t always need to know “how.”

I believe that asking “how” is what’s actually keeping us from doing the things we really want to do in our lives. I can see this over and over again with my clients and people around me.

When I was in my 20s, I worked for the unemployment office in Germany. I was sitting in my grey office, handling countless documents and papers, deciding about peoples’ financial situations and lives; people who, often like myself, had lost passion and purpose. I felt completely miserable while I dreamt of traveling the world and banging my head over the question “how.”

How do people do that, how do they make money, how do they have insurance, and how long could I live from my savings? These kinds of thoughts don’t help us live our dream.

A few years ago, after traveling the world for a couple of years, I wanted to leave Bali (where I lived at that time) and move to Ibiza. I had never been to Ibiza before, I didn’t know anyone there, and rental prices for houses were triple that of Bali.

I had this vision, but I didn’t know “how.” So I handed it over to the goddess, my higher self, love (or whatever you want to call this great force that moves the universe). I kept praying and asking in the temples of Egypt. Six months later, I booked a one-way ticket to Ibiza and moved there.

Last year, I had the vision for a Womb Leadership Training for women. I had never held a leadership training before, I struggled to find the right venue, and as I started marketing the training, I got blocked on social media for about two months.

But I had my vision and kept listening to my inner guidance. Guess what? The training was absolutely magnificent and brought so many gifts for all the women who attended.

The same principle applies for every aspect of our lives: love, sex, or relationships.

If we want to love ourselves or our bodies more, if we want to experience the pleasure or the orgasms we desire, if we dream to have greater intimacy in our relationships or we want to attract a partner, or if we just know underneath it all there is way more for us, then let’s trust this deep longing inside of us, take first action steps, and enjoy the process.

See our vision in front of us. Feel it within each and every cell of our bodies.

Touch it. Hear it. Smell it. Taste it. Dance it. Take a deep breath into it, and say yes!

Playing it small isn’t going to get us to where we want to be, or perhaps just as importantly, to how we want to feel from inside.

It’s absolutely normal to feel a bit scared about our visions.

In order to grow, we need to get out of our comfort zone, stretch a bit, and make new powerful choices.

Then after a while, it becomes normal. We grow into the version of ourselves that we have envisioned.

What version of yourself do you need to become in order to grow into your vision? Or which parts of yourself do you need to let go of?

I often needed to let go of controlling instincts, micromanaging, self-doubts, and fear of failure.

Connecting to other inspiring, like-minded people, living in environments that nourish my body, heart, and soul, doing my practices, being part of a mastermind group, and working with mentors has always helped me expand into my biggest dreams.

And in moments when we think we can’t do it, we need to remember that we came here to do this.

I hope that your vision of 2021 will be sexy and magic.



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Christiane Ameya  |  Contribution: 145

author: Christiane Ameya


Editor: Elyane Youssef