January 1, 2021

Why New Year’s Resolutions might Trigger Us.

The New Year is renowned for setting resolutions, reevaluating your life, thinking about what is working for you, what is not, and then committing to a plan of action to do more of what works for you and change what does not.

This is a practice that resonates with people the world over. A new year provides a platform to reflect, dream, think about what is important to you, and to jump into exciting new beginnings. It holds so much promise.

However, if you happen to be a resolution naysayer, the New Year is no different than any other time. Or, at least, that’s what you might tell yourself.

Now, this is not to say that you must make resolutions for the New Year. By all means, if it doesn’t feel authentic, don’t bother putting energy into it.

But I ask you, as a reformed resolution naysayer myself, are you putting it off because you are actually not interested in reevaluating your life, thinking of what you’d like to work toward, and setting goals to do so?

Is it because you aren’t excited about your life and worry that if you start to really look at yourself, you might not like what you see? And if we’re being honest here, doesn’t setting resolutions just set you up for failure?

Having a good long look in the mirror can be a daunting and difficult thing at any time of year. You certainly don’t need societal pressure to force you into doing it. In fact, that’s not the right energy to bring to your resolutions at all.

But, if you can change your view of New Year’s resolutions from that of a mainstream trend to one of quiet inner reflection during the symbolic time of one year passing into another, you might begin to feel differently about it.

You don’t need to air your resolutions in public or even admit you made them (although many people find voicing their goals helps hold them accountable). Do what feels right for you.

When thinking about possibly making resolutions, ask yourself these questions: 

>> What has been holding you back from being excited about contemplating your life? 

>> What is wrong with reflecting and feeling motivated to make room to grow as an individual? 

>> Why do you feel uncomfortable with the topic of setting resolutions? 

>> What are you protecting yourself from?

>> Is it that if you start to look at what you want to change in your life, you might be overwhelmed? Or you might have to face that, deep down, you aren’t happy with the status quo? You might not know where to start?

If you feel that inner reflection will lead to admitting that maybe things aren’t the way you want them to be, then there is no time like the present to start making changes.

So, if you have decided to throw caution to the wind and set some resolutions but don’t know where to start, think about what comes naturally to you, things you are good at, and that bring you joy. Are you doing those things? 

Imagine waking up each day and looking forward to the hours that lay ahead. What would that look like for you?

How would it feel if your “default” mood was inspired and positive, rather than cynical and sarcastic?

Do the people you surround yourself with lift you up or bring you down?

If you could have your dream job, what would it be?

The possibilities of how your life can change are only as small as your imagination. Don’t be above looking inward.

Be honest. Dream big. Chase goals. Put yourself out there.

What’s the worst that can happen?

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author: Stephanie Thomson

Image: qwetyzpoi/pexels

Editor: Kate Force