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December 28, 2020

Some Notes on Nature Spirits by Dennis Cordell

“The mysteries of the Great and the Little World are distinguished only by the form in which they manifest themselves; for they are only one thing, one being.” Paracelsus 

I want to speak about bodies changed into new forms. You, gods, since you are the ones who alter these, and all other things, inspire my attempt, and spin out a continuous thread of words, from the world’s first origins to my own time.”  Ovid, Metamorphoses Book I 

The thoughts of a nature spirit may pass inwardly through planes of consciousness until they reach a point where “minds,” both human and botanical, are no longer separate, and from whence ideations of the vegetable kingdom may travel outwardly to the mind of a person. It may even be suggested that what is required is not so much an explanation of thought transference as an explanation of why thoughts are seemingly so seldom transferred. Our minds are so separate because the concentration of each individual’s consciousness rests upon affairs immediately concerning themselves. 

Roses seem to be the most telepathically transmissive, although begonias and nasturtiums are also quite divulging and loquacious. The confidence of hybrids and more beautiful flowers to tell their histories results from their having received more abhishekas or spiritual initiations from their elemental guardians. Because they are perceived as more beautiful, the elementals use them as temples for their devotional activities. These floral initiates are the amanuenses for the elementals. Dandelions and weeds are examples of plants who have not undergone any abhishekas, but can still convey their group histories. 

The mystery of plant growth results from numerous nature spirits. These children of Gaia have been described by clairvoyants. These accounts are more useful than the impersonal formulae of mathematics or the scientific investigations of botanical genes and DNA. Clairvoyance, when recorded, renders an account that can be illustrated with images. Knowledge of the elemental realms is not obtainable by means of ordinary human faculties. It is only accessible telepathically or “outside” the body by means that lie hidden in the psyche, like a seed in the earth. 

Clairvoyants who have communicated with the elemental realms usually perceive these beings in a somewhat anthropomorphic form. But many elementals who communicate with humans do so through the embodiments of their botanical disciples. Such verdured apparitions are become a tool like a shaman’s drum used to shift consciousness. Shamans are gifted with a clairvoyant view of nature, especially the curative properties of particular plants among poisonous ones. Without such telepathic knowledge, forests would be strewn with the corpses of pharmaceutical experimenters. 

Shamans are able to see in other dimensions. In order to resolve the evils and ecological problems of this world humanity must learn, like the shamans, to commune with the world of nature spirits and the angelic hierarchies from which they derive. Using clairvoyance as an enhanced sight, the image of a plant must first be viewed by the third eye of the telepath. This eye is located in the ajna center between the eyebrows and associated with the pineal gland within the brain. Once this “capture” occurs, a psychic can describe the elemental(s) associated with the plant. 

Extrasensory perception among plants and humans consists not in actually magnifying the narrative of a small object such as certain elementals but, conversely, in creating a viewpoint, infinitesimally small at will. One of the things recently learned from the elementals is that their expulsion from the Garden of Eden was actually the result of the Big Bang many millennia ago. This event created a warp in space and caused the fabled garden to languish. 

The plants of Eden had existed in a formless realm but the Big Bang created the illusion known as “form” by making these formerly etheric plants “explode” in a kaleidoscopic sort of mitosis. This mitosis resulted in both a form and formless (or “spiritual”) mirror-world composed of the interstices between the particles of what is perceived as matter, or a medium whose vibrations constituted light and other electromagnetic radiation (hence botanical photosynthesis). 

Because these interstices are often the colorless protoplasm incorporating the living part of a cell, they are best portrayed in monochrome. Spirit (the formless void) and matter are not absolute and independent but are like the shades of grey that exist between black and white, without the distraction of color. 

The actual elementals were created by a residue of the ashes from beings of the Devic kingdom which, during the Big Bang, were cast into the realm of form causing their angelic wings to ignite. The ashes of these wings stuck to the newly formed botany, thus inaugurating the primogenitors of today’s nature spirits. As the Big Bang’s burgeon decreased in momentum, these form/ formless projectiles slowly melded into what is known as the Net of Indra, which functions as a series of botanically reflective phenomena. These phenomena incorporate both a voidness of form as well as form itself. 

While not truly fractals, much of this elemental realm relies on chaos theory to sustain itself, and can be precarious to human reasoning. Such is the case of the Fairy Circle. If a human should ever enter this circle the person becomes so enchanted that they can not easily escape from this realm. 

Although we can not perceive any consciousness in stones or plants does not mean that consciousness does not exist there. There is no unconscious matter. Some quality of discernment occurs in everything in the cosmos although we are often only aware of such qualities in humans and certain animals. These other consciousnesses or intelligences consolidate archetypes which create those “forms” which are the collective memories of genetic awareness which guide evolutionary development. 

There are innumerable hierarchies of sentient beings which perform different functions. They exist on earth in the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, as well as on the physical, astral, and etheric planes. Each of these kingdoms of nature possesses a unique form of consciousness. Likewise, each of these kingdoms is allotted to a fixed sign of the zodiac. The earth element is assigned to Taurus, the water element to Scorpio, the fire element to Leo, and the air element to Aquarius. 

Nature spirits often differ and fluctuate in their levels of intelligence and consciousness depending on their location. The elementals found in nature may be the guardians of a small garden plot or a vast forest. These nature spirits impose their consciousness on their botanical dependents to assure that a rose will blossom as a rose and not as a dandelion or oak tree. As a result of this consciousness, we can discern the life of a tree, a flower or even a crystal. 

When we experience the fury of a storm, the serenity of a forest, or the calm of twilight, we are witnessing the Devic mind that permeates all matter. All elementals are the apprentices of these Devas. The harmony created by the unseen Devas and elementals can be neither appeased nor provoked by the lower personality of humanity. The Absolute Mind of the Devas is inseparable from the terrestrial mind. 

Nature spirits are connected to the earth but are not bound to restricted territories. As a result, a flower spirit may be an authority about a specific flower, but may lack any information about other sorts of flowers only a few feet away. Fortunately, the flower will itself fill in any missing information from intelligence carried by insects in the nectar from neighboring plants. Acting within the laws of nature, the cogitation of nature spirits is transported from plane to plane. 

No one place if more full of elementals than another place. Just as there are innumerable animalcule which fill the air, elementals are likewise everywhere, obeying the laws peculiar to themselves while subtly moving on currents of ether. The Earth-as-Gaia is a super-organism with the elementals as part of its mechanical physiology. These elementals are responsible for maintaining the health of Gaia’s chemical balance and relative constant temperature. 

The elementals are responsible for the cybernetics of this physiology, serving as the automatic pilots and thermostat to maintain a self- sustaining geological environment. Protection, indemnity, conservation, and preservation are the major forms of generosity provided by the nature spirits. The residue which created these elementals held the angelic memories of expulsion, creating a sympathy for those requiring sanctuary and safe keeping. This angelic residuum had an informative component composed of a perfect, yet inaudible, pitch reminiscent of the harmony of what is conceived as “Heaven.” Later this harmonic “resonance” conceded the diverse evolution of fairies, elves, sylphs, gnomes, and other members of the elemental realm. 

A four-leaf clover was carried out of the Garden of Eden by the legendary “Eve” for protection when she was banished from the formless realm of paradise. Her expiation was the material embodiment of herself and her descendants. Eve was guided to this four-leaf clove harmonically by the newly formed elementals. These ethereal beings hide the present four-leaf clovers to be given only to rare human initiates, but will readily give acorns to those humans who recognize the talismanic quality of a potential oak tree. 

Acorns are physical gifts from the elementals and have been given to and used by witches as protection against expulsion from society. They are examples of nature’s amulets which grant indemnity and are believed to protect against assorted maladies. When passing each other in the woods, witches hand each other acorns to let one another know who they are and that they were safe in one another’s company. As such, they were able to practice their craft under the guardianship of the elementals. 

Nature spirits, or elementals, are generally composed of a major component of either earth, air, water, or fire. Earth has the greatest number of elementals, followed by water, then air, and finally fire. All of the elementals work together with comparable tasks depending upon the requirements of their environment. Yet determining a plant’s specific element can be challenging. 

In his sixteenth century alchemical work, Liber de Nymphis, Sylphis, Pygmaeis et Salamandris et de Caeteris Spiritibus, Paracelsus identified archetypal beings for each of the four elements. Paracelsus included gnomes as beings of the earth; undines as beings of the water; sylphs as beings of air; and salamanders as beings of fire. The Rosicrucians claimed to see these elementals in glass globes while purging the eyes with alchemical substances. 

Elementals represent an evolution divergent from that of humans. They are the metaphysical forces behind nature which assist earth’s ecology to function better. Their realms are harmonized into the earth but are not composed of the gross matter that constitutes humans. The different vibrations of their composition is what allows nature spirits to be seen telepathically by clairvoyants and sensitives. This sensitivity is enhanced by combining the boundary between wakefulness and dreaming during the hypnagotic state, thus stimulating the pineal gland. This hypnagotic state allows very vivid images to appear in the unconscious mind which are explained by the “relaxed” consciousness. Thomas Edison placed himself in such a trance-like state to bring forth many of his important inventions. Hypnagosis can be enhanced by using mantras which will loosen the “dust” in the cranium and stimulate the pineal gland and its associate third eye. Many of these mantras are quite old and were used by shamans and seers of antiquity to contact the Devic kingdoms and their inhabitants. 

Elementals are the archetypal spiritual intelligence behind all species. Contact with the botanical kingdom is in fact contact with a more universal being. Composed of preternatural components, nature spirits are the progeny of angelic hierarchies which have been on earth for a very long time. Unlike a human, an elemental can tap into the hologram of a flower’s cell and know everything about the multiverse of that particular flower. A plant’s cell is only a part which contains the whole within it. Knowing this, the nature spirit becomes more aware about everything which possesses a “livingness” within that flower. However, elementals receive much of their energy and instructions from human vibrations. Hence, the two kingdoms are intimately woven together. 

When humanity acknowledges the divine life within a plant, the life force of that plant is enhanced. Every atom of physical phenomena which composes the plant kingdom contains a specific knowledge. Therefore, recognizing the beauty of a flower will enhance the understanding of this knowledge. Additionally, flowers like to be told that they are beautiful.

The classification of species of elementals differ mostly in terms of their density. Spirits of water and earth are similar in their density which can be rather heavy, producing a downward movement, whereas air and fire are light in density and produce an upward movement. The density of all matter is influenced by stellar energies and gravity. Fire is used for the creation of archetypes within the angelic realms. Fire, in conjunction with the element air, produces the necessary vitality to carry these archetypes into the earth’s pneuma. The vitality of this pneuma is closer to the earth where it is expressed in the form of oxygen which is less affected by gravitational weight. Flowers and other blossoms are important to nature spirits because they register a plant’s growth (vitality) in relation to the stellar energy of the sun and the effects of the cosmos. 

The sun serves as a gigantic natural battery which produces a universal life force known as prana. Prana is the energy of the astral realm and is the fluidity of the cosmic consciousness of Gaia. With every breath and absorption of nourishment, prana is conditioned and released back into the universe by Gaia. When flowers die, they are reintegrated into the earth to serve as fertilizers, thereby becoming a gift of the Devas mediated within the plant kingdom. These gifts are the protean energies from the astral realm perceived as physical configurations by humans. Time-lapse photography of the blossoming of a flower captures this prana. This is the energy which feeds the consciousness of the elementals allowing them to explore and competently assimilate their environment. 

Certain elementals are useful for the constitution, condition, and well being of other occupants of the earth. They transform the energies of the astral and angelic realms to assist in energizing every atom, cell and organ within the physical bodies of humans, animals, plants, as well as minerals. Different elementals are responsible for the maintenance and therapeutic processes of every, organ, right down to the cellular level. They are responsible for the nutrients found in numerous vegetables. Various elementals can release trauma and aid memories to assist in self-healing retrieval of biological information which serves as a blueprint for the molecular structure of the body. Often these healing elementals are clustered in groups near hospitals and will colonize on floral bouquets brought to the hospital’s patients. 

A flower needs the human mind to maintain its healing power. The power and healing activity of the flower brings out the special nature of Mother Earth’s magnificent splendor of wellness and strength which exists within the minds of sentient beings. Earth spirits often live within the depths of the earth, frequently residing in Middle Earth, which is a place of great beauty and harmony. Many of the earth elementals can be quite alluring, choosing to take whatever form they desire. Residing in caves or under lakes and ponds and other subterranean locales, these earth spirits avoid conflict with humans. They are often found on lotuses and other water based plants and can sometimes be seen early in the morning in gardens which have fountains. 

Linear time is changed in the realms of the earth elementals. As a result three dimensions do not always exist. Thus, seasonal evolution is made easier for these spirits, allowing them to create positive changes within the environment by eliminating some forms of long-term cellular atrophy. Occasionally a human will stumble into the elemental realm and undergo a transformation of form into that of one of nature’s spirits. This is especially true of humans who fall into the previously mentioned Fairy Circle. The fairies will transmute the physical body of humans into one of their own, making it difficult to readjust when returning to the anthropoid realm. When this occurs, the human will undergo a deep and profound inner change. Such a change occurs because the energy used in entering the elemental kingdom is “rewired” to a more transcendental frequency of the plant or mineral realms. The vibration of a human’s subtle body will become compatible with the beings it encounters in this domain. As the human confabulates with the inhabitants of the elemental realm, the nature spirits of this sphere slowly begin serving as telepathic guides for the human. Many humans become more attracted to flowers and plants because of the subtle extrasensory awareness brought about by this rewiring. 

The elementals of earth can manipulate etherial matter into increasingly crystallized forms which eventually produce physical matter. In doing so they work with sounds, mantras, and movement to create energy patterns as vehicles for other life forms. Their own form changes as they change tasks, but their minds remain extremely intelligent as a source for vast happiness and exaltation. These beings reside in the constant energetic flow of Gaia’s prana to produce etheric sounds beneficial to all the kingdoms of earth, especially the plant kingdom. 

The splitting of the atom in the twentieth century accelerated the evolution of the planet and formed a new parallel correspondence with the other parts of the physical and etheric realms, collectively. Human comprehension began to merge with the elemental consciousness to form a new relationship of cooperation. Because energy follows thought, nothing can exist on the physical plane before it is discerned as ideation. This happens whether humans are aware of it or not. The elementals of the plant kingdom are facilitating Mother Earth in progressing from one level of consciousness to a higher level. Similarly, this progression can be observed in humanity’s increased insight into ecology, genetic modification of plants, climate change, etc. Because everything contains a degree of angelic replication, when perceived as thought it is absorbed by the numerous kingdoms to assist Gaia consciousness. 

Thoughts are the mental continuum within all forms when activated by aspiration. The causality of perception depends on the industry of the nature spirits residing in the elements of earth, air, fire, and water. As a result of nature’s elements and humanity’s increased ecological awareness, plants are increasingly engaged in human activities, including exchanges of information. Many trees in Thailand are now being given Buddhist monastic vows and presented with small pieces of fabric from monks’ robes. This endeavor assists the elementals living in trees to more quickly achieve enlightenment although they are not human. Likewise the spirits residing in a flower can reflect on the truth of impermanence and proper perspective when the flower is placed before a Buddha statue. 

The astral realm is a finer vibration than the physical realm. Elementals pour from the astral realm into the physical world, bringing life to matter. Nature spirits work with the energies of these non-physical astral worlds, bringing them to the palpable field of creation and evolution. These elementals are involved in every aspect of life and every natural process. Every part of the world is alive and these spirits are to be found everywhere—in the depths of the oceans, within the earth, and in the highest reaches of the atmosphere. The surface of the earth abounds with an almost incomprehensible variety of beings, each type having its own special functions to perform. Life would not be possible without their activities. 

Some nature spirits seem highly evolved. Although rarely perceived by the human eye, many of them have the somatic quality of angels. However, these elementals are of the quasi-physical plane while angels have their origins in the celestial pneuma. Although radiant, these elementals do not emit the same quality of light as angels, despite being evolved from the spores of angelic wings. Nature spirits at these higher echelons are able to work with the more refined substances of these lofty planes. Their work intersects that of the angels but there is not a clear demarcation line, just a gradual blending of function. These elementals receive and transform the forces emanated by the angels and pass them down through the lower planes and into the subordinate astral worlds to be worked by the minor nature spirits. 

The more highly evolved elementals have chakras or energy centers, and the more chakras they have, the higher the nature of their work and the further their reach extends up through the planes. Their chakras emit light but without as much change and variation as the chakras of angels. Their action is tied more to the movement of the seasons of the physical world, so that these emanations tend to be more predictable, rhythmic, and specific. They direct the activities of all natural processes within their sphere of influence, emitting the appropriate formative impulses for the harmonious functioning of the environment and plants in their care. 

These elementals must often take a pareidolia phenomenon and turn it into a physical reality. Some categories of elementals are beyond comprehension and appear as a disturbance residing within the transparent pellicles of the plant kingdom. These integuments are members of the earth element serving as energy centers for an astral light which pervades the universe. They contain an ambrosia-like nectar which is gathered along with pollen by insects. As this substance is redistributed throughout a garden or forest, plants are better able to converse with one another due to the information contained in the vitality of this nectar. Again, energy follows thought. Each of an elemental’s “thoughts” exists as a vivacious entity which is beyond human cognition. Nectar- bearing information is carried by members of the earth and water elements, while vibrational-information is conveyed by elementals of air. 

The thought energies transferred by the fire elementals, because of the energy’s upward and lightweight composition, are predominantly relayed by means of photosynthesis. All of these energy centers of communication are maintained by the universal astral light which nourishes the elementals who inhabit various parts of nature. This modulation is maintained in crystal transceivers within the earth, and relayed by the vibrations between the earth’s magnetic poles. The elementals serve as the nerves of the planet using this crystalline harmonic communication to form a candid, botanical parrhesia in which to disseminate the expressions of Gaia. 

Many elementals have a highly evolved consciousness. They are able to encompass all the processes of the planes on which they work as well as the activities of the smaller nature spirits who work within their influence. Although they are fully conscious of the plant with which they are immediately engaged, they can be, as noted, totally ignorant of a nearby plant of the same species. They are highly focussed and aware, yet detached from the activities of animals and people around them. However, they will respond with a bright exuberance to anyone admiring or enjoying the area which they oversee. They recognize and acknowledge with a flare of energy the animals or people who live in their area or visit regularly. On occasion, they communicate mind-to-mind with human beings. The highly developed consciousness of these nature spirits is unwaveringly euphoric, although they are impersonal and insouciant, with no opinion or judgement of what occurs around them. 

Mother Earth is unconditionally adored by the smaller nature spirits. These smaller spirits revel in their devotion for her and joyously broadcast the thought, “love Mother.” These are not words as humans think and form them, but impulses of affection from the psyche of these tiny spirits. The emanation from their collective consciousness is one of the ways they condition and stimulate the ethers for their continual expression of life. Mother Earth oversees every physical and metaphysical process occurring on, in and around the earth. 

Mother Earth’s dominion permeates every telluric plane as her functions mingle with the work of the angels. She receives transformed energy from these angels at every level, broadcasting it into a variety of specialized requirements for survival. Her radiant chakras send piercing beams of creative light throughout the planet. Mother Earth has been a part of this celestial orb for as long as it has existed and she will continue to govern it until its eventual end. 

The earth itself, like all physical matter, evolves spiritually and Mother Earth’s work changes over the eons to suit the needs of the time. She emits the impulses that not only govern nature’s current state, but activate within it the tendencies to become more refined. Her great consciousness encompasses every particle of the planet and even the smallest events are known to her. She governs every process of birth, life, and death and wields the great archetypes of creation that she receives directly from the angels, bringing them to life in the physical world. At the present level of the planet’s development, Mother Earth emanates balance through the rhythmic cycles and seasons and through the constant renewal of life. Every elemental works at her direction as an aspect of her expression of sentience and creation. 

Some smaller nature spirits are composed of both the astral and etheric material of their specific element. These are radiant beings lit from within by both astral and ethereal lights. These small elementals transform astral forces in such a way as to vitalize and feed the etheric field as well as passing astral forces through the etheric field for manifestation in the physical world. Less complex beings emerge from this enhanced etheric material by amassing together the tiny beings whose existence and actions shape the etheric substance, weaving it so that physical matter can crystalize around their thought patterns. 

These smaller beings pulse into and out of matter, appearing and disappearing into the etheric field. The time span of their existence in a tangible existence can vary from a few seconds to several days, depending on the work and weaving required. Most of these small beings have a collective consciousness and perform individual functions in concert with their colleagues, with the sum of their activities creating the effects needed by Mother Nature at the time. Their consciousness is turned inward and coiled or spiraled like DNA. These tiny beings mainly concentrate their awareness on the movement of the etheric streams with which they work and on the simple joys of their own activities. 

Nature spirits do not have fixed solid bodies, since their essence is of the astral plane, but they are able to materialize vehicles out of heavier etheric matter, using for models the thought forms occasionally concocted by clairvoyants and imitating other forms they may have seen and admired. Elementals made from astral as well as etheric substance have a more elevated level of consciousness that those spirits working just within the etheric. They have a greater awareness of the external world. It is possible for the consciousness of these nature spirits to evolve to become individualized so that they become highly aware of their surrounding and of their interaction with the forces around them. These spirits do not have free will as humans do although they have conscious volition. They are able to respond with awareness to their own actions and purpose within the framework of their environment. Every seed that sprouts fills them with joy. 

Comparable to humanity’s communities, a forest or garden is a social network. Trees and plant parents live together with their children, communicate and share nutrients with them and warn each other of impending dangers in the processes of life, death, and regeneration. Although different in appearance to human beings, nature spirits can have certain similar characteristics. Such similarities exist because both human beings and nature spirits are formed from the same creative blueprint and the same sacred geometry. All the smaller nature spirits composed of etheric and astral material have an energetic effervescence rather than chakras. Many of them are winged, especially those associated with the elements of air and fire. 

Many of the nature spirits who serve at the physical earth level are called gnomes. Billions of gnomes tend the earth through the cycles of the four seasons and see to it that all living things are supplied with their daily needs. Gnomes are connected to the earth element, which includes the minerals. They live inside the earth, although there are some forest gnomes, who take care of the forest. They look a bit knotty, gnarled, and in general are a bit gruff and do not trust humans. Gnomes take care not only of earth and her minerals, but also of the roots of plants. They have strong strong senses and intellect and understand what they hear and see. They receive cosmic influences and ideas and thus have a very clear consciousness. A plant receives energies from the cosmos and lets these energies sink into the soil. The gnomes collect this energy and pass it on to the minerals. This collected energy is knowledge. 

The erudition of the gnomes is immediate and when they receive information through their senses they immediately ‘know.’ They do not have to investigate things as does the human species. Because they have a universal intellect, they tend to disparage humans as incomplete beings. Gnomes have an inner sense with which they experience what is in minerals and metals. Many minerals, particularly gems and crystals, are receivers of vibrations which exist above the earth. This information is passed to the gnomes during lunar cycles. Gnomes are quite sensitive to influences of the moon. During a full moon, gnomes form a thick ‘skin’ to protect themselves against the moonlight, while with a new moon they are almost transparent. Gnomes are always alert to what happens around them and generously give spiritual support to less developed beings such as animals. 

Gnomes process the waste and by-products that are part of everyday existence and purge the earth of poisons and pollutants that are dangerous to the physical bodies of animals and plant life—including toxic wastes, industrial effluvia, pesticides, nuclear radiation and every other abusive substance. Gnomes assist in the abhisheka rites or mineral initiations which can include such lengthy processes as turning a lump of coal into a diamond. On spiritual levels, gnomes have a massive chore. They must clean up the imprints of humanity’s discord that remain at energetic levels in the earth. 

The element earth is the densest of the four elements. It has the ability to take on and maintain form. It is stable in nature, bringing order and structure to the creative impulses that are emanated from the earth’s prana. Archetypal elementals exist within the realm of the vital pneuma of the earth element and constantly broadcast throughout creation as a pure potentiality for all possible manifestations. A lower version of these archetypes lie hidden deep within the earth at a microscopic level within every particle of the physical world. The enduring nature of the earth allows its archetypes to be held in readiness in a stable and accessible condition within matter. The earth element holds the patterns for every possible display of substances including the chemical elements, the mineral world and their interactions between plants, animals and humans. Within the earth element is the plan for every possibility that could ever occur in creation, including physical and spiritual evolution. This plan is closely related to the Akashic Record and is the pathway to a complete and total consciousness existing within every form. 

An angelic hierarchy authorizes impulses of perfect archetypes to stimulate and awaken the lower archetypal consciousness held within all the constituents of the planet. These perfect archetypes of the plant kingdom help salvage endangered seeds and numerous species of the botanical realms. There are more types of nature spirits associated with earth than with any of the other elements. These extraordinary spirits have a variety of sizes from enchanting tiny beings no bigger than a spark, to great and magnificent mountain spirits. These earth elementals work with every aspect of material substance. In time, as the earth evolves spiritually, the impulses of the lower archetypes within nature will perfectly match the original flawless angelic archetypal impulses to again become an enlightened or perfected garden like Eden. 

This archetypal spiritual evolution will be activated into actuality by the interaction of all four elements. However, the archetypes of the earth elementals will be primarily activated by water, which is the closest element to earth in terms of density. Nature spirits of the earth work mainly with two processes, contraction and expansion. Some earth spirits are dedicated to only one of these processes of contraction or expansion, while others harmonize the two. 

Contractive activities allow forces to be drawn together in a variety of ways while expansive activities allow differentiation, evolution and growth. The interaction of these two forces creates the foundation for all physical forms. There are so many different types of nature spirits on earth that an encyclopedia would be necessary to describe them all. Specialized nature spirits work deep within the planet to bring life and shape to the subterranean world in preparation for its eventual emergence into the light at the earth’s surface. Great harmonic endeavor by these assorted elementals is necessary when both contraction and expansion are employed. Without this harmony the land would suffer from tremors and earthquakes. 

Most of the underground nature spirits are made from etheric substances and work with the earth’s etheric field. This etheric substance is comparable to compost in a garden where the elementals serve as recyclers. At the deepest levels of the earth are found great, dark, almost formless creatures. They evolve in various proportions from the size of a small house down to that of a dolphin. Their shapes and movements are whale-like, as they seem to roll and swim through their underground environment. Although most of these elementals’ movements are slow and deliberate, from time to time they surge suddenly upward or dive down. They do not have eyes but seem acquainted with their surroundings. These nature spirits move by an inner awareness of the streams within the earth’s cascading ether and are nourished by these etheric forces which shape their amorphous form and vitalize them through their movements. 

Deep within the crust of the earth can also be found groups of gnome- like embryonic elementals in various stages of development. Some are quite small, while others are about the size of a young child. Some of these beings are unformed with almost indistinguishable features, while others show more detail. They are very ancient and are quite still as if waiting for an evolutionary shift. They are unaware of their surroundings, but in the distant future when deeply buried rock has moved closer to the surface of the earth, these creatures will be fully formed and awaken to the outside world. In the meantime, the presence of these rarely emerging embryonic spirits brings a certain type of life to the earth, even though they are not recognizably active. These infrequently seen spirits are best observed late at night. 

Smaller nature spirits of the earth are often referred to as the “little folk,” familiar from legends and cultural traditions. These are the fairies, elves, and gnomes who are an essential part of the earth’s function and who work on or close to the exterior of the planet. Closer to the outer surface can also be found small spirits whose appearance is somewhat human-like but only partially formed, with a head, shoulders and arms fading away to nothing below. These elementals consume a transmissive substance from the surrounding ethers. By imbibing this material’s vitality, they compress its vibrancy and dynamism which they use to pound the surrounding rocks and thus create new soil as nourishment for the plant kingdom. 

Higher forms of gnomes exist in a more developed state with shapes that are more anthropomorphic while living in caves and cracks within the earth. They are made from astral as well as etheric substance and draw certain cosmic forces to them to enhance their shaping work in the etheric realm. Observation of these creatures has inspired stories of gnomes and elves as miners. A variety of these earth spirits are found associated with every type of rock and they tend to be rather troglodytic in their behavior. Gnomes of various kinds are associated with crystals and gems within the earth. Deposits of metals have their own types of earth spirits, with precious metals having the most evolved elementals of all. 

Related to gnomes are trolls and changelings who dwell in isolated mountains, rocks, and caves, sometimes living together, and rarely described as helpful or friendly. These beings are often dim-witted and rather parasitic and not obliged (also incapable) to assist in the evolution of Mother Nature. 

The earth’s surface is an area of exertion and interaction where the most varied and abundant physical expressions of life are found. The greatest number of elementals also live and work here, creating a feeling of intense industry combined with exuberance and rejoicing. Earth spirits in many shapes and sizes, some with partial human-like forms, dance, work, and play on and near the surface of the earth, activating the etheric material associated with topsoil, sand, and rocks. Many of these earth elementals are little winged creatures who are totally oblivious to the physical world. Although small, these beings vary in size with the largest being no more than eighteen inches in height. 

These sparkling little creatures are mostly of a misty, transparent appearance, tinted with pinks, blues, grays and white. They can sometimes be seen dancing in rings inside other more complex patterns. They never stop moving, sometimes floating languidly and at other times dancing vigorously up and down among flowers. At times, they dance around and around in one spot for a while before moving off, still dancing. These elementals are not restricted to a small territory, and can cover many miles as they dance. Although they appear to be individual in form, they are really an expression of a group purpose, working through a collective consciousness that has awareness only of the ethers with which they are working. They do not choose where to go, but respond to fluctuations in density within the earth’s etheric realms that signal the availability of astral energy and its effects upon the group’s unity. Occasionally these beings are joined by what appear to be radiant fairies who are much more conscious of their surroundings. These are beings of the astral world that interact with other etheric beings to pour light into the planet. 

Other elementals influence the earth’s ether in a simpler way. These do not work in groups and are considerably less peripatetic than fairies. They do not have wings and are more gnomelike in appearance. These nature spirits arise from the etheric levels of the earth, seeming to come out of the earth itself. They are somewhat human-like in form, usually with elongated features and a drooping demeanor as they drift across the surface of the earth in a random pattern wherever the etheric streams take them. Some of these spirits hold their form only briefly before disappearing back into the plants and flowers. Others last for several days, drifting willy nilly here and there. It was during the Pleistocene epoch that these more random spirits evolved due to the great fluctuations and lowering temperatures during the ices ages, followed by warmer interglacial periods. 

Alternative types of earth spirits of a more evolved essence can be seen running or leaping on or just above the ground. These are beings of astral and etheric substances who are very aware of their surroundings, though they do not often choose to acknowledge or interact with people or animals. These elementals have a very intense and purposeful demeanor. Some of these spirits are as large as humans, although most are smaller. They sometimes have a suggestion of wings, but these are more wispy that real wings and more like short flares of energy from their backs. They often have antler or antenna-like protrusions from their heads as a manifestation of their alertness to their surroundings. Their purpose is to condition or to enliven large areas of ground in preparation for the growth of plant life. 

Landscape features are governed by these larger earth spirits. They are an intrinsic part of the shape and substance of the land with which they are associated. These elementals are the most evolved of the earth spirits, as can be seen in their brightness and the complexity of their activities. These beings govern the formative processes of the entire area in their care, issuing forth impulses of energy transformed from the astral realm and higher planes. These impulses direct the activities of every smaller elemental associated with the area. 

The larger nature spirits have a central form surrounded by sweeps of energy that emanate from their chakras. These spirits are aware of everything that occurs within their sphere of influence. Their center of consciousness exists in the head, which emanates streams of activating energies. Radiant auras surround them, extending for great distances from their internal structure near the heart center. 

Large forests may often have more than one of these large elementals, usually working in conjunction with their other large colleagues. Areas such as woodlands, groves, or small gardens or parks may have one or more nature spirits caring for them. But these are often smaller elementals who are responsible for groupings of plants or areas where there are many of the same type of plant. The seashore is a specialized habitat with ample scope for many types of nature spirits. Shorelines are often presided over by large elemental beings who are stationed over promontories, cliffs, or larger rocky features. They invariably face out to sea and spread their influence over many nature spirits working with the astral and etheric natures of sand, rocks, waves, seaweed, and rock pools. 

The angelic hierarchy keeps many members of the plant kingdom hidden. As a result many plants seem to be extinct but are actually carefully concealed within the etheric realms. Some plants are, like the legendary Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, forbidden t0 humanity. To encounter, ingest, or even see such plants can incur banishment from what is left of earth’s garden. 

Plants do not have nervous systems, but they do have electrical currents flowing through them which are subject to outside manipulation. This includes both visible plants and those veiled by the angels. Because of these currents, playing certain kinds of music in the area where plants grow will cause them to grow faster as they seek the harmony within the tune. Forbidden plants currently react to music with a Frey auditory effect, similar to placing metal in a microwave oven. This auditory effect would create, among other things, a tonal pitch which would cause the planet to crumble. Heavily rhythmic or dissonantly syncopated music is likewise detrimental to the plant kingdom, causing a form of psychosis in the elementals caring for plants. 

Plant life of many types is to be found in nearly every region of the earth. Associated with these plants are an amazing array of nature spirits. These include many different types of elf and pixie-like beings as well as fairies of all types and sizes. Every part of each individual plant is formed, energized and cultivated by many of these small beings. Every activity is a joyous celebration of the life processes in which these beings are employed. Different types of nature spirits work together toward a single purpose. 

Many of the fairies and pixies operate from a collective consciousness, being in charge of single plants or sometimes groups of the same type of plant. Certain other elementals are more highly evolved and sometimes have greater awareness of their surroundings and its horticulture. Most of the smaller plant fairies are either unaware or not interested in anything beyond their own plants, while the pixies who tend the leaves and stems are more aware of the outer world, but only become consciously engaged in it when a human is aware of them. 

Fairies and pixies do not usually wear what humans consider clothing. Fairies, however, are often accompanied by wisps of floating energy that trail around them like drapery. These energies are not separate manifestations created by them, but are actually part of them just like arms or legs. Pixies often seem to wear tight-fitting clothing, which is actually part of their body being tinted with different colors according to the season and their current work. The roots of plants are tended by gnomes as well as different types of pixie and elf-like beings. These are magnetic elementals. 

Some of these elfin nature spirits appear as tiny sparks that fly into and out of the soil, conditioning roots to take up the soil’s nutrients. This is why too much nutrient, such as fertilizer, in conjunction with these sparks can burn a plant’s root system. A plant absorbs nutrition when pixies induce a type of magnetic, yet organic, solenoid into the roots’ water. This absorption occurs much like iron filings near a loadstone. 

Other types of elementals occupy tiny air spaces in the soil around the roots of plants. Larger versions of these spirits can be found between the roots of plants and trees that have been exposed when the soil has been washed away. These earth spirits have long legs and crouch in the little cavities and caves formed by such ablutions and can sometimes be spotted peering out at the world. They occasionally come out of their dens and walk around with their backs hunched, gazing out from beneath their botanical eyebrows. Their demeanor is timid. They are associated with the soil, the roots, and the forming and maintenance of the dirt cavity itself. Another type of earth spirit associated with the welfare of plant roots is a gnome-like being with a large head and a gnarled appearance. 

Gnomes maintain the interaction of the roots with the soil and the connections between earth and air. The gnome can be seen treading the bases of plants, forming the ether of the soil by stomping actions which prepares for astral energies and other nutrient to enter the plants through their roots. Small elementals with wings are responsible for drawing etheric energies upward from the soil, creating a template for the astral forces to enter. These processes allow the sap to rise through the stems of plant causing leaves to form. These pixie-like nature spirits cause the sap to rise by flying slowly up from the base of the plant in a spiraling motions around the stem. When they reach the node on a stem, they veer off their path and shoot out along the leaf spraying a viscous form of etheric plasm that invites air and sunlight into the leaf. 

Fairy-like nature spirits are often associated with flowers. Some of these spirits can be seen as tiny sparks that hover near the flower, drawing in nutrients from the sun and the air. Accumulating vitality as they do this, they fly back into the flower where they release this energy in a small burst of light. These elementals remain with the flower for a short while, gathering in the used forces that are a sort of energy waste-product of the blossom. The flower glows from these ministrations as the small nature spirits exit the flower and discharge the wastes in another sparkle of light. 

Larger elementals of great beauty hover near flowers. They lean forward and breath into the blooms while stretching their etheric appendages out to the flowers and caressing the air around them. Beautiful color emerge from these beings as they engulf the flowers in every shade of the rainbow. These beings have a high level of consciousness and belong to the higher astral realms. They receive the impulses for their work directly from the biospheric area in which their plants grow. Most of these entities rest at night, folding themselves into the inner realms of the etheric and astral planes while seeming to cease inhalation or prana activity as they disappear directly into the plants. Others just fade from view but reappear with the sun and resume inhalation the next day. 

Tree elementals dwell deep within their trees and grow with them. They have a very receptive nymph-like energy. As they evolve these elementals are able to extend parts or themselves beyond the tree, shifting until they appear to look out from within the bark and leaves. These dryad-like elementals have a vaguely defined but hauntingly beautiful somewhat humanoid face, shoulders and arms. These are the parts that can be seen within the tree or extending beyond the tree’s physical form. The remaining parts of these elementals taper away into drifts of pale energy consisting of a diaphanous mist. A well-evolved tree spirit has a more clearly formed body which is quite smooth in essence. This body is partly concealed by drifting energies which appear as a mysterious haze. At their highest stage of evolution, tree spirits, similar to the sylph spirits of the air, wear what appears to be a crown of light. When this level of evolution is reached the elemental is able to move considerable distances from its tree and is very aware of human beings and very interested in their concern toward the tree. These nature spirits have a particular type of emanation and consciousness that is conducive to the growth of wisdom in human beings. For this reason humans are very attracted to trees and are nurtured spiritually in their presence. 

Huge nature spirits are associated with the changing seasons and with solstices and equinoxes. These great beings pass through the earth and its atmosphere bringing with them the seeds of change appropriate to the time. These powerful spirits really belong to all the elements, but especially to the earth. Although many nature spirits of the earth are unaware of their surroundings, some have evolved to a state where they are familiar with the outside world. They are very conscious of humans and animals and take a keen interest in their activities. 

All nature spirits develop and grow through positive associations with people who know about them, believe in them or can see them. These are forms of validation that confirm their reality in the world and give them power. Greeting them or thanking them, even if we cannot see them, gives them the recognition and validation they need to grow. It is a great joy just to know about them and have them in our world. In the future, as mortals become more spiritually open, all people will be aware of earth’s elementals and the races of humanity and nature spirits will both benefit at that time. 

Some of the smaller elementals are fascinated by any animals in their area, especially pet cats and dogs. They feel the connection of human beings with these pets and this increases their interest. Some of them would very much like to have their own animals just as humans do. This type of nature spirit has a strong sense of animal rights and can be seen crouching around the roots of trees and plants. Often a dog or cat will show a strong awareness of a spirit in such a location and return to the area repeatedly. Elementals who interact with animals do so without interfering with their work with the earth because domesticated animals are initiates of the animal kingdom just as roses and lotuses are initiates in the plant kingdom. Elementals are well acquainted with abhishekas or initiation, especially that of hybridization. Initiates of all kingdoms have higher components of astral energies and are closer to the angelic realms than non-initiates. This higher level of energy adds a spiritual component to the earth’s atmosphere which assists elementals in their work. 

Nature spirits of the air element are often perceived as lights in the atmosphere. These elementals are sensitive to movement within the ether and appear to have an attentive consciousness. Their task is to transfer the nutrients of light to plants. Because they are connected to movement in space, they model and direct the wind and are connected to the expansion and dispersal of pollen in their area. Smaller air spirits work with plants, helping to build leaves and flowers. 

Sylphs are the most common air spirits and are primarily blue, green, pink, purple or lemon-yellow. There are an almost infinite variety of patterns to be seen in the sparkling adornment of an air spirit’s “halo.” Sylphs are never fiery or earthy in color, being predominantly pastel tones. Their wings are wide at the base, joining the “body” along most of its length, sweeping to a point above and behind the head. Some sylphs have ethereal arm-like streaks of energy that arise from their vertebral region. These are often sustained in a raised position, so that they virtually become a part of the wing structure. 

Air elementals carry out their activities in response to impulses emitted by angelic hierarchies working specifically within and through the earth’s atmosphere and its structure, including climate and weather. Prominent among these angelic hierarchies are the ameliorated Angels of Light, who dwell within the air and are involved with the transmission of both physical and spiritual light, as these are two different expressions of the same principle. Angels are the forces of creation which are found throughout the universe. Although angels are not intrinsically air spirits, they use air as an access point for all of the elements. 

The atmosphere is a physical and metaphysical representation of the boundary that exists between the earthly nature of the physical world and the light of creation. It is within this border region that the Angels of Light work. They begin their activity with light as an aspect of fire, slowly working down through the elements in order of density with air next, then water, and finally earth. Associated with these angels are the nature spirits working with the creative forces of sound, color, and harmony which are all modes of creation. Air elementals often have an intelligent, alert expression. Whether they are active or static they exhibit an unwavering intensity of focus. When moving, they periodically emit multicolored explosions of luminosity that have an uplifting effect on everything around them. 

Larger, more evolved air spirits have one or more chakras, while the smaller, less evolved ones have glowing energy centers at the head and chest areas. Some of these elementals, such as sylphs, seem to appear as if from nowhere. This usually occurs at the point of interaction with other elements, such as fire. Certain air spirits can move at great speeds, sometimes seeming to disappear and re-materialize some distance away as they journey through the inner realms. At times their attention is so focused on the impulses they are receiving from the higher realms that they are unable to maintain “form” and fade from view. 

Small, fairy-like beings with slender transparent wings like those of dragonflies are also found in the air, although they stay close to the surface of the land. They are associated with breezes and winds as they pass though plants and trees. These enchanting little spirits do not belong to the fairy earth spirits, but are not sylphs of the air either. They exist between the two realms, although belonging mostly to the air element. These elementals are are frequently silent but sometimes emit a high pitched sound like the whistling of the wind. In extremely stormy conditions with sudden gusts, they make occasional deep, percussive sounds. When resting on a still day and drawing in the forces of the sun, these nature spirits will make a low, continuous, whooshing sound, swelling and subsiding in volume as if purring with contentment. 

Like undines, the spirits of the water, air spirits draw in power from the sunlight and transform it within their bodies to a form appropriate for the earth. The smaller air spirits draw in only the aspects of sunlight that are beneficial to the etheric component of the atmosphere. After transforming the sun’s rays within their “body,” they release it to further activate the ether of the planet, bringing vitality to the air surrounding it and making ether receptive to appropriate astral forces. More highly evolved air spirits work with the astral essence of sunlight, transforming it within themselves and making it available for the ongoing processes of creation. This is done at the bidding of fiery angels who work within the very highest celestial realms of the Welkin and the Empyrean Heaven. 

Smaller air spirits are drawn to a particular place to do particular types of work. Sylphs and other air spirits move from one place to another by placing themselves in the appropriate etheric streams and correct astral currents. The strength of these currents and streams is consistent with physical air movement. More evolved air spirits direct smaller spirits who work within the ether to produce the Akashic Record, a compendia of thoughts, events, and emotions encoded in a non-physical station of existence of the astral plane. This record registers all the desires and experience of the planet which can be seen by clairvoyants as the experiences of the animal (including human), botanical, and mineral realms consisting of different densities of ectoplasmic ether and astral content. 

Air spirits are the most mobile of the nature spirits, although they are also capable of periods of profound stillness that seems to human perception almost meditative in nature. When the physical air is moving, these elementals are usually on the move as well. Sometimes, when it is windy, they will find a sheltered spot close to the surface of the earth and hover there for some time, not to avoid the wind, but to partake of the conditions that prevail in such a location as part of nature’s expression and their work. 

On most days, the elementals of air can be seen hovering or drifting about the environment with a bouncing motion. They maintain their upraised wing position to descend or go forward or back, but sweep the wings back and downward to ascend. In this hovering position, the wings move back and forth with a gentle fanning motion. They do not flap their wings as would a bird or insect, yet their progress through the air is graceful, even when moving at great speeds. In turbulent conditions, these spirits spin briefly up or down with the movement of the wind. 

Sometimes they are seen singly and sometimes in groups surrounding a flower. The smaller the elemental, the more likely it is to be part of a group, often gathering around a larger and more developed spirit to bask in its aura and receive nourishing astral impulses to assist in their work. Those who received energy of this type become more active and their capacity to transform light into botanical nutrients is enhanced. These groups exchange energy with each other through flashing narrow beams of tinted light. At times the light is sent out in shimmering sheets of color in which other members of the group hurry to immerse themselves. Although they maintain their softer pastel tones, this energy exchange conveys the imprint or essence of the individual spirit who emitted it. 

Beams of light are passed between these elementals at all stages of development. This is a manifestation of the open and flexible nature of air. With all the other elementals, the passing of energy usually occurs between nature spirits of equal development. The greatest cluster of air spirits exists in zones where oxygen concentration is high enough to sustain physical life. The higher reaches of the atmosphere are managed by members of the angelic hierarchy who spend considerable time there. The more highly evolved the nature spirit, the higher in the atmosphere it can function. An air spirit can work anywhere from the surface of the earth up to the highest level its consciousness can reach. 

Less developed spirits live closer to the lower altitudes of the earth or near bodies of water. Some of these are only able to float along the surface, whilst others are able to ascend a short distance into the air for short periods of time. The lower the state of evolution of the air spirits, the closer to the earth they stay. Their development is also detected in their shape and the definition of their stature. At the lower end of the scale, their forms are poorly defined, consisting mainly of a rudimentary “head” with wing-like shapes sweeping back from it. These less advanced elementals do not have an upright posture like their more evolved colleagues. They fly mainly in a horizontal position with the “head” at the front. As they evolve further, their shapes become more clearly designated and their flying habits become more vertical. 

The mobile nature of air allows these elementals to be extremely versatile. Unlike the nature spirits of earth and water, air spirits remain active at night. Just as they are stimulated by the sun to process its light by day, so too are they motivated by the moon and other celestial bodies at night. In response to this stimulus, these elementals work to absorb, transform, and distribute these more subtle types of light and energy. They work with ever changing influences that come to earth from space. Various constellations, stars, and planets broadcast their own specific influences. The versatility of the air spirits is called upon to translate these transmissions so that they can be used on earth. At night these spirits become more silvery in color with tiny sparkling points of light gleaming here and there. Their bodies glow with a cool radiance, while thin streams of iridescence run outward along the wings in a myriad of colors. The nature of the heavenly influences they are converting at any given time has a great effect on the range of colors exhibited. 

Weather conditions are accompanied by their own particular types of air spirits and some of these spirits can change their appearance very quickly in keeping with changing conditions. An example of this can be seen when air and water interact to form storm clouds. 

The air spirits of summer are robust in appearance, with broader wings than their spring counterparts. They are also more brightly colored. Their movements are more sudden and they can often be seen lingering near brightly colored flowers, shedding gentle showers of light into the air around them. These elementals are stimulated by the color emanations of flowers. The light they emit prepares the air around the plants for use by the smaller nature spirits of the earth. 

Just as autumn winds cause dry leaves to fall from trees, the autumn spirits of the air clear away any lingering influences of spring and summer and in this way establish the forces of autumn as well as preparation for winter. The activities of the air spirits are determined in the angelic realms where they are discharged into the earth’s atmosphere. Most of these activities concern climatic conditions. The air spirits work with both the physical lights involved with photosynthesis and the spiritual lights generated on the angelic plane. 

The energy for these activities is drawn from the nutrients of the sun which the air elementals transform into vitality for the earth’s etheric components. These nourishing solar constituents are the modules of astral forces used in the continuous course of creation. Like vey quiet radio waves, these solar traces exist within the ether to help create the Akashic Record of the thoughts, events, and emotions experienced on this planet. Air elementals circulating in neighboring etheric and astral currents will frequently give “hints” of these events to clairvoyants. 

A great solar angel resides within the sun, presiding over every aspect of solar function. The solar angel’s aura is a multi-colored energy field that surrounds all living things as it reflects the development, attitudes and emotions which reach and affect the orbiting spheres within our solar system. Just as the sun’s gravitational field, its heat and solar winds, extend through all our planets, so too do this angels’s transcendental qualities. The solar angel is so immense that it is very difficult for humanity to perceive, even with the inner eye of astral vision. This angel registers as a light so bright that no detail is apparent behind the various angels and fire spirits who are a part of its conflagration. The universe is the remainder of intelligent alien life that continually controls all aspect of the physical world—from gravity to the speed of this solar light. Alien life came to earth through the behavior of subatomic particles emitted by this solar angel. This behavior also resulted in the evolution of the elementals and the expansion of the universe following the Big Bang. This evolution is embedded in what humanity perceives to be physics itself. 

Light is the messenger of the fire element. Light works through air to reach other elements and encourage physical and spiritual evolution. Everything having a progressive, expansive and uplifting nature arises from light at work in the world, including especially plant growth. Fire has the least number of elementals. Notwithstanding, fire spirits are associated with the spark of life within all things. Fire elementals call forth archetypes of light from within the sun to express the activities of these radiant archetypes through the earth’s fertility. 

The opposite of fire is water. Fire counters the tendency of water to remain still by bringing the vitality of movement to it. Fire also has the ability to consume and transform. Through burning, matter is drastically modified as an old form is consumed and a new form is created. All adaptation, therefore, uses fire in some degree. Fire has the ability to cleanse and purify and to invigorate and vitalize, allowing new life. Everything from physical growth to spiritual evolution depend on some aspect of fire. 

The sun is essential for life on this planet. It emits heat and light. Air moderates the heat and harmful rays from the sun, so that life on earth can be sustained. The resulting warmth is a physical and metaphysical aspect of fire. It is nurturing and sustaining thereby making warmth and life practically identical. The warmth of the fire element works through the element earth, countering the inherent darkness and coldness of the earth and allowing it to become a fertile womb for Mother Nature. Warmth from the sun also moderates the forces of contraction and expansion which are key functions of the earth element. 

The smaller fire elementals work with activating etheric and astral substances whose density creates the infrastructure which allows other elementals to work. Astral forces in these areas invigorate the material aspect of the physical plane and thereby project energy into the ether. This energy is sustained by an Odic force. This force is a vital energy or life force containing a dazzling light which sparkles and can be observed in certain crystals. These crystals are protected by gnomes who safeguard all of the planet’s minerals within Mother Earth using the bioelectronics of the planet’s etheric prana. 

The Odic force is maintained by small spirits of the fire element which place this force prismatically within crystals to assist in the telepathic communication between all the organizational stacks of nature spirits. The radiance of the crystals create a short wave psychometric receiver which emits pulsating beams. These crystals are structures in which a pattern of atoms or molecules repeats in space. The crystals’ repeating patterns can also exist through time but can never reach an exact equilibrium, although their repetitive ripples can be transmitted in luminescent pellucid radio waves and the crystal balls of clairvoyants. 

If an exact equilibrium occurred in these waves of communication, the jeweled Net of Indra would begin to dismantle and the fluidity of time and space stagnate as the brilliance of the minerals composing the net would become sullied. The differing repetition of these waves through time, enable nature spirits to know when to do which work. By planting crystals in a flower garden, a gardener can occasionally gain telepathic insight into the scheduled tasks of the elementals working with specific flowers in a garden bed. This is especially true for clairvoyant insights about gnomes, who are the guardians of crystals. The luminous Odic waves produced by certain crystals, especially quartz, create an audial harmonic energy which enables a clairvoyant to better discern the “incantations” of chanting gnomes. 

A tree is an example of palingenesis, a reproduction of ancestral characteristics. Humanity is an example of ontogenesis, in its development of an individual organism with features from the earliest stages to maturity. Both the tree and humanity exhibit the transformative development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, or a particular feature of an organism known as phylogenesis. Plant migrations are the life and consciousness of the intended volition of Gaia and not the individual botanical forms. As such, a tree is a continuing sylvan life-entity, older than the land upon which it grows. 

The story of the living earth is no mere myth. Mother Nature shows the planet earth to be a pulsating, living entity, whereon lands slowly rise and slowly sink throughout the ages. The winds and currents of the sea have their ordered courses, which shift and change with the slow changes of the continents. 

There are two lines of evolution in the development of the universe—a higher and a lower—both of which are exhibited in the plant kingdom. The plant kingdom emanates or unfolds from above downwards, as does humanity, for it is spiritual in essence and has its origin in the spiritual world. This is the higher evolution. The plant kingdom also differentiates into myriads of forms which is the evolution from below. The Gaia principle of a living planet determines the origin and form of species. Much of natural selection on this planet is due to an organizing and intelligent agency associated with such a lower evolution. This agency controls life processes and tends to keep beings, both spiritual and corporeal, adapted to the environment. The classes of plant and animal life move through cycles along with the lands upon which they live. Plant life on earth is a race that had its heyday millions of years ago, and is now slowly declining. 

Consciousness is a fundamental feature of physical matter in which every single particle in existence has a simple form of awareness and mindfulness. These particles come together to form more complex forms of consciousness, similar to humans’ subjective experiences. Particles don’t have a coherent worldview or active rumination, yet there is an inherent subjective experience of consciousness in even the tiniest particle. Panpsychism is the doctrine that every animate and inanimate object is conscious. This includes microscopic particles. 

Tables and other artifacts are not conscious as a whole, but a table is a collection of particles that each have their own very simple form of consciousness which work together to create the form of a table. Likewise, the consciousness of nature spirits ranges from elementary to complex depending on the work at hand. Every form is built with a model traced for it and reflected in a Divine Mind. There are hierarchies of builders or form, creating a series of tangible degrees, from the highest to the lowest. While the former are shaped under the guidance of the builders, the latter are fashioned by the elementals of nature. 

Even the lowest stages of form are due to an inner and higher intelligence, regardless of the effect that outside forces may have upon it. From the acorn will grow and oak, and this oak, as a tree, may have many forms, all of which will vary from other oak trees. All these forms are contained within the acorn, and though the form which the tree will take depends on extraneous circumstances, it exists beforehand in an astral plane before it becomes a phenomenon. However, the noumena germ of the oak exists beyond the astral plane, developing from higher to lower planes, until on the lowest plane it has its last consolidation and development of form. Prior to this stage all form is voidness. 

The plant, to a certain extent, exhaust itself in the shape-forming force. During its life it goes on constantly adding new forms to itself. First it sends out the root, then the leaf-structure, then the flowers, and so on. Such are the laws of karma as witnessed in the legions of Gaia. 

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