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December 14, 2020

Tips for Designing the Best Work From Home Space

Most spaces in our home are designed to bring joy and a sense of peace. Most of us see our work space as a generic area where we go to be productive and “in the zone”. Yes, your home work environment should keep you efficient and productive, but that doesn’t mean it should feel like the office. Your work-from-home space should make you feel comfortable and be set up to alleviate stress or anxiety. By using the tips below you can create a space that is catered to your personal style and will help you make the most of your work day in an enjoyable fashion. 

Combine Function with Style

Your office, especially one in your home, should be an extension of your personal style. If you don’t have much space to spare or want to clearly separate your work area from home life you’ll need storage space as well. Choose a statement piece like a fun bookshelf where you can add chic-looking storage bins or seating that contains storage space underneath. Pick out items that bring you joy when looking at them but can also keep you organized and eliminate clutter. 

Create a Cozy Nook

Do you dream about settling comfortably into a cubicle? Probably not. Create a work from home space that you want to work within for several hours at a time. It shouldn’t be utilitarian or sparse. It needs to be welcoming and comfortable. Find an area where you can get work done and add comforting aspects like a blanket, a coffee table, or plush pillows. 

Add Personal Details Not Distractions

Even though you have personal items throughout your home, you should place some in your work area. Keep pictures or artwork nearby to bring a bit of joy to your work, but make sure the items won’t constantly distract you from work. These items should boost morale without having any negative effects on your productivity. 

Bring in Greenery

There have been quite a few studies that show bringing plants into your work area boosts productivity and happiness. Don’t turn your workspace into a rainforest, but find a few plants of varying sizes to add character and personality to your desk or table. Not only will they make you happier with their splash of color, but they will improve the air quality in your home which is always a positive takeaway!

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