December 27, 2020

How to (Finally) Not Fail at New Year’s Resolutions.


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These photos are of me—36 weeks pregnant and today.

As 2021 approaches and so many of us think about New Year’s resolutions, I want you to know something: 

It was never a resolution; it was an eight-year lifestyle (and it’s still going). 

What you see in that picture was never easy. It was for my better tomorrow, and I struggled—like everyone. This was never about my body; it was so I could breathe deeper in life.

With only eight percent of resolutions being held, I ask you to think about the destination rather than the journey. A better, healthier, and whole you. Life is like a photograph; we develop from the negatives.

It has been nearly eight years since my daughter, Laine, came into the world. She is a wonderful blessing and gift to my life. She has given me strength, courage, and a determination I never knew I had (or could have).

I think this has been one of the best spiritual, emotional, personal, and professional challenges I could ever wish for. It was a challenge so big that, at first, I wasn’t sure if fitness could be part of my life after becoming a mom.

But I proved myself wrong, and I love that I did! Honestly, being wrong is sometimes the best thing you can do.

Without our obstacles and challenges, we wouldn’t be who we are today; we wouldn’t have our knowledge, wisdom, and strengths. Obstacles are not our hitching posts but our guideposts.

Life is all about our choices right here, right now, and it is never too late to make a new choice. We can embrace each day, wanting to conquer the day and whatever life throws at us.

Or we can choose to play the victim—be unhappy and bitter. There are always two choices. And want to know the best thing? You hold the power. You can make the choice negative or positive.

There are always many challenges and obstacles along our paths, but don’t let yourself be one of them.

You can do anything you set your mind to. What seems hard now will be your warm-up one day.

You are worth it; you are beautiful and brave. You deserve a life that makes you happy.

No matter what anyone has ever said (including yourself), this is the truth.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is decide—make it a done deal.

Whatever the dream.

Whatever the vision. 

Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable.


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author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Kate Force