January 17, 2021

A Badass Song to Welcome Biden & Harris on Inauguration Day.

“We’ve been waiting for this moment.”

The moment Joe Biden becomes the 46th President of the United States and Kamala Harris becomes the first female Vice President and person of color.

The moment we say goodbye to the most destructive president in history.

A sh*t ton of warriors got us to this point. 

I don’t know about you, but I am moved to tears every time I think of the key states that helped turn the White House blue. 

I sob uncontrollably knowing Kamala Harris will be our Vice President (giving hope to young girls everywhere). 

The love I have for Stacey Abrams’ seriously ass-kicking efforts in Georgia—is unparalleled.

Countless others worked tirelessly to change the fate of this last election. Too many to name. But know this. 

We see all of you. 

We are walking away from an exhausting four years. Sprinting full speed away from the chaos, disappointment, discomfort, and pain we thought would never end. More than half of our nation stood up and said, “This is enough, and this is not who we are.”

Although much too late, Twitter and Facebook banned the demagogue who incited violence and supported white supremacy through his toxic social megaphone

Apple and Google made sure Parler didn’t allow him yet another platform and good riddance!

We tracked down the rioters intent on bringing down our democracy and held them accountable for their actions.

We dismissed false attempts to undermine the election and our democracy.

We said “goodbye” to Betsy Devos and “hello,” Dr. Jill Biden!

We won the house, senate, and presidency. 

We may have a chance to make some significant changes for the good. We can finally set a legislative agenda that works toward positive efforts in climate change, healthcare, the economy, and more.

We have a pair of leaders dedicated to doing what’s best for all American people. 

It’s a reality so moving and inspiring, I can’t help but weep with intense joy.

I am so proud of everyone who made this happen. 

I’m proud of everyone who went out and voted. I’m proud of everyone who encouraged others to stay strong. I’m proud of the people who paid attention to politics, despite how frustrating it was. I’m proud of everyone who stayed educated and vigilant. I’m proud of the politicians who never stopped fighting for what was right.

Every single one of us who made Joe Biden and Kamala Harris happen, you are all deserved warriors and heroes at this time in history. 

We still have much work to do. But for now, we should celebrate this victory. 

I’m starting with this song.

It’s badass and groovy, for starters. But it’s also the theme song of everything we went through and how we will be entering into this new presidency with Biden and Harris. 

It sings hope.

It was as if Allen Stone had a premonition. That he knew we would walk through a profound shitstorm and, ultimately, emerge with victorious integrity. 

“Warriors” reminds us that we don’t have to live in the nightmare that was the last four years. That we can enter into this next term with hope. That we can walk tall into this next presidency with our heads held high. That we won’t stoop to their level.

We won’t give up, even when we feel like breaking. We are dedicated to upholding our democracy. We refuse to be defeated by hatred and lies. 

Our leaders are already encouraging love and unity amongst the people, despite those who spit hatred.

This is the theme song for the 46th President and Vice President. It will be a tough few years to come. However, I have faith in them.

Listen to this as you watch President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris take the mic on Inauguration Day.

Better days are coming. 


“Warriors,” by Allen Stone (Lyrics):

On and on
That’s how we go
On and on
That’s all we know

We’ve been waiting for this moment
Even though we’re close to broken
Running on empty
Running on empty
Running on, running on, running on

Walk tall like warriors
Head high, head high, head high
Walk tall like warriors
Head high, head high

Only up, we don’t stay low
Only up, that’s all we know

We don’t run from our opponents
Even when we’re close to broken
Running on empty
Running on empty
Running on, running on, running on

Walk tall like warriors
Head high, head high, head high
Walk tall like warriors
Head high, head high, head high

We’ve been waiting for this moment
We don’t run from our opponents
There is nothing to defeat us
Dedication, it will lead us
Head high, head high, head high
Head high, head high, head high

Walk tall like warriors
Head high, head high, head high
Walk tall like warriors
Head high, head high, head high

Walk tall like warriors
Head high, head high, head high
Walk tall like warriors
Head high, head high, head high


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author: Kelly Branyik

Image: CNN Politics/Twitter

Editor: Lisa Erickson