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January 8, 2021

Always You And I

When I do write about my relationship, I’m very cryptic, and choose my words very carefully. I do that because let’s be honest, there is only so many details I will divulge about myself. My significant other, is literally my better half. When I do mention him, I always speak within my own code language, because that’s the agreement we have in sharing. Our life is private, because we both have jobs that don’t really allow us to over share, and while you can Google me, my actual job will always be mute. The following is what I will share about us and our love story, and how it’s influenced the way I feel and think about life as a whole.

As I’ve grown in the last year as a person, and branched out completely, he has been the tireless cheerleader, listening to everything I’ve had inside this head. He’s always said to me, “Taaury if you can dream it, you will achieve it, and I will be behind you 1000%”. It’s never been a question of me thinking that I’m alone in building my dreams into a reality, it’s been a partnership throughout. From the days of Taaury37’s infancy, we have put our relationship and it’s transparency out there. I don’t share my relationship on my social media anymore because, I’ve had breaches of security and a stalker out of it. So by sharing little details here and there on this blog, I don’t think it hurts either of us. This goes back my boundaries statement in my last blog. Less is sometimes so much more.

I’ve talked about my marriage and past relationships on my podcast, and he’s heard every single episode. With my blog, he is the first person to get to proofread what I’m saying, and gives me advice if I need to switch something up. Most of the content here is mine solely, any additional support comes solely from my life experiences. The dynamic that I share with him is like a spider that weaves different patterns, and creates a labyrinth. Our life is something is about fulfilling the dreams we discuss in the future, like way down the line. Right now though, we are creating a life that we don’t half to wake up from.

Without being super corny, I can share our nicknames for each other. I’m Baeboo and he’s Ace. It may not make any sense to anyone else, but it does to us. They say you meet the love of the your life, after the biggest mistake of it, I see it differently. The people you choose to love, and are able to pick up on your love languages, are the ones that didn’t always fit your type of criteria. When you look outside of the box, and see someone for who they are: good, bad or indifferent. The things that make us a strong couple are our differences, he’s a stubborn Taurus and I’m a fiery Cancer. When we disagree, we agree that it’s not worth ruining the bond we have, always talk it out and he is my best friend. He’s not just my spouse, lover and keeper of my heart, he has helped to bring out the person I hid for so long.

I know that sometimes we have to find many frogs, before as women we kiss that prince. That isn’t to say that the moments we have to get there, aren’t worth it. Every relationship I’ve been in, I’ve taken something away, that helped to shape my identity. Love does hurt at times, breakups and divorce happen, but so does the healing which brings you full circle. The person you are meant to be with for the rest of your life , could be just around the corner, waiting for you to open your eyes and see them. Aesetics aside, my type changed over my dating history and finally with me being married. It’s the things that the naked eyes don’t see, which matter the most. Ace, you are the hero in my fairytale, you saved me in moments where darkness consumed me. I believe in love and soulmates because of you and your laugh, smile and eyes that shine with so much joy to be apart of my life. From the snores, falling asleep during movies, and good morning texts that will never get old, thank you for loving me unconditionally, that is a gift I can never thank the Universe enough for. In closing, I hope that your “person” finds you in this year or the future. For someone to embrace your imperfections and flaws, and still love the absolute shit out of you, is indescribable. For me it will always be him and I ?

Take Care,


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