January 14, 2021

Dear Politicians: may I ask a Favor?

I ask this favor knowing the importance of the task you have taken upon yourself, along with the commitment to which you have agreed.

Will you treat everyone, at all times, in the highest manner of respect, and regard, and kindness?

Will you please commit to being a beautiful example for our children and our youth?

And, in that, be the elected official of whom we might be truly proud of?

The kind of person who we all could witness and say to ourselves, “I will strive to be as magnanimous as that person.”

Now is the chance to come from a place of compassion, empathy, and gracefulness in speech and action that does not discount any point of view. One that speaks straight from, and to, the heart and soul of our humanity.

In order to avoid dogmas and philosophical points of view, I will use the example of the Padawan/Jedi in “Star Wars.”

Be the peacekeeper.

Be the guardian of impartial justice.

Approach all interactions with selflessness, knowledge, self-discipline, calmness, serenity, and mindfulness.

It is the way of the Jedi to not answer a question as quickly as possible. When a question is asked, there is a moment of reflection and consideration, followed by a clarity of what it is one’s intentions in reply. Much in the same way as we might spend a moment thinking about a short note of thanks we write to a friend.

The Padawan practices speaking without condescension, anger, retribution, or vengeance. The true Jedi constantly takes into consideration the frustration that might be volleyed in his or her direction.

Take the opportunity to be patient instead of reacting too quickly in moments that do not need immediate attention.

To steer away from fighting, there must be no attacking. No verbal abuse. No social media attacks or aggressive replies.

If someone strikes out at you on social media or in public you have the chance to break the cycle of retribution.

We might, once again, view our elected officials as though they are someone we can speak with as we do with our closest confidants—with the trust, and the kindness, and the respect we all deserve.

You are rarely offered a chance to show that you can consistently come from a place of understanding, compassion, empathy, and kindness. The infrequent slip or failure of judgment will—in most cases—be forgiven.

The window of opportunity to unite the country is small, if barely open at all, but the time is now.


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Ryan Voss  |  Contribution: 425

author: Ryan Voss

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Editor: Robert Busch