Most likely you have heard of menstrual cups, but wonder what all the fuss is about.
Why use a reusable flow catcher when I can just as easily use a disposable tampon or pad.
Well, here’s the low down on the eco-friendly, usually silicone devices that you insert into your vagina to use as a reciprocal for your monthly blood flow. There are many varieties of menstrual cups out as of late, so let’s discuss the pros and cons of some, but first, let me tell you an embarrassing story.
I was shopping at my local Whole Foods and had been thinking about trying a menstrual cup. I had stopped using tampons, as I was worried about toxic shock syndrome (TSS) and the chemicals I was placing inside of my lady parts. I happened upon the Diva Cup. I brought it home to try and the worst of my fears came true.
I inserted the Diva Cup. Actually, first I read and reread the instructions. I watched a YouTube video tutorial, and then I inserted the Diva Cup. And it was super uncomfortable at first. It felt like something was in my vagina, which it was. I started to move around and see if I could get used to the sensation, but no. I played around and tilted it and folded it differently, and here’s the thing: it’s as awkward as it sounds.
I kept it in for a while and start getting used to it, and think I should practice taking it out. I go to reach for the little pulley mechanism and I can’t find it. My worst fears have come to fruition and the Diva Cup has been sucked up into my body.
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I start panicking, which probably makes me tighter and worsens my ability to access it. I start texting and calling friends. I start googling what to do if your Diva Cup gets stuck?
I have my husband trying to help me access it to no avail that sucker is long gone.
A friend finally calls me back and tells me I need to somehow reach up far enough to break the suction-like seal at the tip of the Diva Cup, which at this point is who knows where. I start digging around for kitchen utensils. I take a warm shower to try to relax.
I end up finding a chopstick of all things and I am able to insert it just enough to break the seal and reach in and pull that sucker out. I am mortified and traumatized, but I didn’t give up there.
I tried a different kind of menstrual cup. Apparently, I have a tilted cervix and I don’t know if that’s what did it, but it went way back there. The new cup I got had a longer pull tab on the bottom, so long that I actually trimmed it down a little. The one I got is called the Moon Cup and you can find it here.
I have used that one religiously since my menstrual cup journey began and I have even bought others that just either felt too big or too hard and not as pliable as the Moon Cup.
They have the option to choose either size A for women who have given birth or size B for women who have not given birth or have had C-sections (me).
There is a wonderful site called, “Put a Cup In It” where you can actually take a quiz to find the best menstrual cup fit for you. I have linked an amazing video below where she uses the Saalt cup. That is actually the one I have been wanting to try next they also have a fit quiz on their site.
I hope this helps answer any questions you may have had and alleviates any apprehension about trying something new. Feel free to leave a comment about what has or hasn’t worked for you in the past.
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