January 16, 2021

Read my Lips: 10 Types of Kisses & What they Mean.


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Let’s talk smooches!

The peck, the little bit of tongue a la French kiss, the we’re definitely banging.

I think we all have experienced one or all of these:

1. The Peck

A quick lip tap usually as a hello or goodbye. It’s casual and (usually) innocent. If you’re only pecking each other, it’s probably just a friendly relationship…or a relationship that is losing its fire. It’s not bad, but I think we can all agree that if it ends there, it ends there.

2. The Closed-Mouth Kiss

This lasts a little longer than the peck, but it is still sweet and simple like a peck. It can also be somewhat of a “chemistry test” to see if there are any (cliché, I know) fireworks.

3. The Cheek Kiss

I think these are so dang adorable. If you’re out with friends and they suddenly kiss your cheek, it feels like they are touching in and saying I love you, without making a huge scene of it. It feels like there is a solid friendship underneath the love.

4. The Gentle Kiss

It signifies how comfortable you are together, but you also have passion behind it. There is a little tease for more.

5. The Locked Kiss

Ah, I love this one. It’s when you’re leaving, so your bodies are slightly parted, but your lips are smashed together because you simply can’t stand the distance. It’s the “don’t go” kiss.

6. The French Kiss

I mean, you know (wink). The connection here is undeniable. If someone throws their tongue in the mix and you aren’t all about it, you know in your heart what that means.

7. Angel Kiss

A tender, loving, and protective kiss on the eyelid. This is the lips way of saying, “I am here for you. You mean everything to me. I’m in your corner.”

8. The Hickey

A hickey can be perceived in one of two ways: it can be a fun way to show passion or attraction, but also jealousy. If you or your partner is left with hickeys regularly, it can start to become a method of marking territory, so to speak. If that’s the case, there is probably some underlying insecurity in the relationship.

9. The Neck Kiss

Is it hot in here?! This kiss is sure to give some goosebumps as it usually indicates a desire and, most often, more fun to be had. It’s an adventurous and ravenous kind of kiss. (Five stars in my book.)

10. The Reluctant or Angry Kiss

(Not included in the video, but I think we know this should be in there.) This is the one that says goodbye, more or less. There is a glaring tinge of hesitation, anger, or disconnection here. This kiss shouts out the things one (or both) of you are not willing to say.



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author: Kate Force

Image: muhammedsalah/instagram