You don’t get any points for noticing red flags in people.
Cos no one’s perfect.
Maybe you come with a few red flags yo’self.
You get points for changing your story about Red Flags.
One Flag
Two Flags
Red Flag
Blue Flag
Relax about the Red Flag.
Obvs don’t ignore it.
Just do something different this time.
Relax. And make space for
Green Flags
Blue Flags
Big Flags
Little Flags
There’s an ocean of fish out there for you.
Shall we leave the final word to Hui Neng, The Sixth Patriarch?
Sounds like a good idea…
Two monks were arguing about a flag waving in the wind.
One said “it is the flag that moves”
The other: “no, it is the wind that moves”.
Hui Neng, The Sixth Patriarch joined them.
“It is neither the flag that moves, nor the wind.
It is your mind that moves.”
The monks were struck with awe.
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