January 12, 2021

So Trump is Banned from Twitter, but still has Access to the Red Button? ~ Linda Lewis

Canadians have been shocked and deeply disturbed by the attempt to overthrow the United States’ democratically elected election.

The sight of the mob breaking through the barricades with no police or guards preventing them from doing so, the sight of the mob scaling the walls of the Capitol and smashing windows to break in, the sight of a single policeman being pushed back and back into a corner and poked by a Confederate flag-waving person and threatened by a group of deranged men, the sight of members of Congress ducking under desks, the sight of the mob rummaging through the desks of elected officials—all of this was terrifying. Five people died.

When Trump, who instigated and incited this violent rally, was asked to speak to quell the rabble, or rather to read from the teleprompter, he said, “I understand how you feel,” “I love you,” “The election was stolen from us,” along with asking for the Trumpsters to go home—a most conflicted message!

Since day one of his presidency Trump has instigated chaos. But instigating this security breach and siege of the Capitol was his masterstroke of egomania. It was an attack on the wishes of so many voters, their elected officials, and on the rule of law. Sedition is defined as speech inciting to rebellion and is treasonous. It defines Trump!

Remember the leaked audio of Trump’s crooked effort to “find” more votes in Georgia so he could stay in the White House? This was just one of many of his attempts to interfere and overturn the election.

Another rally of Trumpsters is planned. Let’s hope the National Guard is present this time, and not out directing traffic! There are eight more days of Trump. He is banned from Twitter and other social media but still has access to the Red Button. He will not go quietly.

Last week’s god-awful display is a reminder of how fragile democracy is—and still is.

Because Biden has no desire to stoke the flames of hate, he is the perfect President to restore decency, sanity, and calm, and to bring Americans back to health through supporting the science on health, climate, and the environment. Let’s hope his day will come!


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Linda Lewis  |  Contribution: 14,850

author: Linda Lewis

Image: Seth Abramson/Twitter

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra