January 2, 2021

The Simple Affirmation we all need to Take into 2021 & Beyond.


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We all know the feeling of restriction, stress, and stomach flips that come along when life throws us some sort of curveball.

Like many folks, I experience anxiety and mental stress.

Over the years, it has definitely gotten better as I have adopted tools to calm myself and notice my conditioning when certain triggers surface.

It is so important to know how to soothe ourselves in times of overwhelm or chaos.

Our words and thoughts are powerful because they elicit emotions and physical response.

The next time you feel stress, overwhelm, discontent, disappointment, anxiety, worry, or doubt, try this simple affirmation:

I release all resistance.

Ahhh, feels so good, doesn’t it?

The body will start to relax and unclench. The mind will switch from fight/flight to rest/digest—therefore allowing creative thinking and limitless solutions.

You will start to breathe deeper and fuller, creating more surrender to hear your highest wisdom.

Eckhart Tolle defines stress in two ways: the resistance to what is and/or being “here,” but wanting to be “there.”

You can probably feel your body becoming tense just reading those words—and the body doesn’t lie. When we release resistance to what is happening, we take our power back. Now we can feel and hear the next step from our higher self.

Resistance arises for two reasons: we either decide we aren’t doing something correctly or we argue with the present moment and what it’s currently presenting to us. The more we argue with the reality or circumstances, the worse we feel.

Why this affirmation works:

>> It’s general. You don’t need to name the resistance or know where it lives in the body—just intending to release it is enough.

>> It’s active. Giving the brain something to focus on when we are underwater with stress brings us back to the present moment—where all guidance lives.

>> It’s transferable. It can be used for any situation or circumstance.

>> It reinforces our natural state of ease, grace, and flow.

As we enter a new year, let’s all remember to relax.

We have been conditioned to believe that life is supposed to be a struggle, and the more we suffer, the more value we have. Nonsense!

We are here to enjoy our reality, to enjoy each other, to enjoy all our senses and experiences.

We are here to be the greatest expression of joy.


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Image: Elizabeth Gordon

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